Perfumiers, aromatherapists, and students of fragrance in most parts of the world are familiar with the oil of the cultivated variety of vetiver or Vetiveria ziazaniodes as it is technically called. This plant is grown extensively in countries like Haiti, the Reunion Islands, Java, and South India and is extensively used in various essences where the deep, mysterious, rich and earthy notes which the oil displays are required. The wild vetiver of North India, on the other hand, seldom finds its way into the international commercial channels for it is almost entirely consumed within India where it enjoys a great popularity. 1. Vetiver Oil distillers Manufacturers in India the Indian affection for the particular fragrance of wild vetiver or Khus as it is normally called is such that it fetches a price four times that of the cultivated variety. A casual olfactory analysis of the cultivated and wild oils would lead one to believe that they are quite similar in nature but to the Indian nose it does not at all seem the case, hence their attachment to Khus oil even at its sharply higher price. 2. Vetiver Oil distillers Manufacturers in Kannauj the laevorotatory North Indian Khus oil is unique in containing both cadinane and eudesmane sesquiterpenes of the unusual antipodal configuration: these include khusol, khusinol, and khusitone. 3. Vetiver Oil Manufacturers in India another characteristic feature of this type is the presence of the large amount of laevorotary khusilal(a rare C-14 class of terpenoid) which is in fact responsible for the strong laevorotation of this oil; this compound is absentin the typical dextrorotary oils(Haiti,, Renunion, Java and South India). 4. Besides the oil, roots from North India have been found to yield fructose, glucose, sucrose and glycerol. This is the first report of the occurrence of free glycerol in plants and its presence is of considerable biological significance. The essential oil of Vetiver, Vetiveriazizanioides is one of the most important raw materials in perfumery both as a fixative and in its own right as a fragrance ingredient. It has extensive applications in toiletries and cosmetic industries and vetiver root is also important in traditional medicine as a carminative, we are Vetiver Oil distillers in Kannauj is stimulant and diaphoretic. Vetiver oil possesses sedative property and has been traditionally used in aromatherapy for relieving stress, anxiety, nervous tension and insomnia for a long time. Vetiver oil consists of a complex mixture of more than 150 sesquiterpenoid constituents. The composition and odor quality of the oil is dependent upon its origin. Among the 60 components identified to date, the sesquiterpene alpha-vetivone, beta-vetivone, and khusimol always occur in the oil in amounts up to 35%. As a result, they are considered to be fingerprints of the oil even though they do not possess the typical odor characteristics associated with vetiver.