Jaiphal (Nutmeg Spice /Nutmeg Powder), 200g Price - Rs 550/ Kilogram Product Specification Packaging Size 200g Features Organic Minimum Order Quantity 1 Kilogram Product Description Product Description:Myristica Fragrans (Fruit)The nuts have been chewed as a treatment for indigestion. A decoction of the nuts has been used in the treatment of tuberculosis. The crushed seeds have been rubbed on the temples in the treatment of headaches. They have also been rubbed on the body to cause sweating in the treatment of chills and fevers. Details : The seeds yield 23 to 33% of the fixed oil. The volatile oil of mustard is obtained in a yield of 0.7 to 1.2% after the hydrolysis of the glucoside sinigrin, by the enzyme myrosin. mustard tea thrice a day (mix 1 tsp of mustard flour in cup of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes).Muscular and skeletal pains: It stimulates circulation in pain area and thus help to relieve pain. --- A much branched annual herb 0.5-1.5 m tall, with a firm taproot. Stem erect, terete, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, glabrous or bristly hairy, green or slightly glaucous. Leaves rather variable, petiolate, in a rosette and large in young plants, alternating and becoming gradually smaller further up the stem; lower leaves large, up to 16 cm x 5 cm, pinnatifid or pinnatilobed, usually with 2 lower lobes and a much larger terminal lobe, central leaves moderately lobed; lower and central leaves irregularly dentate and often partly bristly hairy; uppermost leaves narrow-lanceolate, small, entire, glabrous. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, bractless racemes, all together arranged paniculately. ===================================================== Botanical Name :Myristica fragrans Arabic Name : Jouza at-Teeb, Jouza al-Teeb, Josat at-Tib, Josat al-Tib, Jowz buwwa French Name : Noix de muscade, Muscade German Name : MuskatnuÃ?? Hindi Name : Jaiphal Indonesian Name : Pala,Fuli Italian Name : Noce moscata ,Mace Sinhala Name : Sadikka,Vasa-vas