UV resistant PTFE thread NOMASSOL is extra strong and very resistant, it is easy to sew for applications that require seams that have to be resistant to UV sun and weather, as well as to inclement weather. Its applications are diverse: sails, hoods, waterproof canvas, tents, among others. Burifil S.L. guarantees that the material used in the production of NOMASSOL sewing threads is flawless and, through a special UV treatment, is resistant to sunlight, weather conditions and water. For this reason, BURIFIL offers a 15-year guarantee from the date of purchase to any owner of a product made with NOMASSOL sewing threads. This warranty includes the use of NOMASSOL UV resistant exterior sewing threads in most applications for exterior use (awnings, marquees, tensile architecture, boat awnings, etc.). Exceptions include: This warranty does not cover damage caused by fire, cuts, poor sewing process, etc. This guarantee does not cover possible loss of color in the sewing thread due to very long-term exposure under strong sunlight. Burifil S.L. will replace the PTFE thread that does not meet this guarantee, in its opinion, and will offer a full refund of the amount paid for the thread. In addition, Burifil S.L. will pay an authorized dealer for reasonable and customary repair charges for any item sewn entirely with NOMASSOL�®. This warranty does not cover costs incurred in indirect connection with the repair, such as transportation, removal of material, or reinstallation. NOMASSOL is available in thicknesses 15, 20, 40 and 50, and various colours too