Ridge gourd is rich in dietary fiber which takes time to be absorbed in the body thus making you feel full for a longer time. It is also low in calories and high in water content making it an ideal option for weight loss. Ridge gourd comprises abundant volumes of water. In addition, it is abundant in cellulose, a natural dietary fiber. Therefore, consuming ridge gourd provides relief from constipation, besides restoring normal bowel movement and digestion. The significant amounts of vitamin A in ridge gourd contribute to improving eyesight even at an older age. They also aid in preventing macular degeneration, partial blindness and other eye ailments. The low-calorie count and the antioxidant properties of ridge gourd make it a good option for people with diabetes. Moreover, it is hypoglycemic and hence helps in controlling the blood sugar levels. The leaves of the ridge gourd are very effective in reducing inflammations when applied externally. The vegetable can be consumed to reduce internal inflammations and to alleviate cough and reduce swelling of the lymph glands.