Bio Protectant, Bio stimulant, Bio fertilizer BIOMULTI is a liquid formulation containing strain bacteria (e.g., Azospirillum sp, Rhizobium sp, Pseudomonas fluorescence, and Bacillus polymixa) which functions to suppress the development of diseases (Bioprotectant), produce phytohormone (Biostimulant), and increase the availability of nutrition for plants (Biofertilizer). BIOMULTI contains phytohormone which will enhance the fine roots, so that the rootsâ?? surfaces are enhancing, increase nutrition and water absorption, boost plants fitness which will increase the plants resistant to pests and diseases. BIOMULTI can be applied to crops, horticultural, plantation and forestry Increase the plants absorption capacity toward nutrients. Stimulate the plants growth. Make the use of basic fertilizer efficient. Improve the physical, chemical, and biological environmental condition of soil. Increase the benefits of organic materials as source of fertilizer. Improve germination, flowering, fruit formation and the ripeness of produce. Suppress the growth of pests and diseases in the ground. Extend the productive period of plants and boost their productions.