Botanical Name - Punica granatum Category - Medicinal Form - Fresh/Dry Part Used - Root, Bark, Fruits, Rind of the fruit, Flowers General Information -Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) belongs to the Punicacea family. It is one of the important and commercial horticultural fruits which is generally very well adapted to the Mediterranean climate. It has been cultivated extensively in Iran, India and some parts in the U.S.A (California), China, Japan and Russia. Pomegranate fruits are consumed fresh or processed as juice, jellies syrup for industrial production. Different parts of its tree (leaves, fruits and bark skin) have been used traditionally for their medicinal properties and for other purposes such as in tanning. Phytochemicals - It is proved to have high antioxidant activity and good potency for cancer cprevention. The edible part of the fruit contains considerable amounts of acids, sugars, vitamins, polysaccharides, polyphenols and important minerals.