Nirgundi, also called a five-leaved chaste tree, is a potent ayurvedic plant, that possesses noteworthy therapeutic properties and heals several ailments including asthma, muscle spasms and anxiety. It is scientifically termed Vitex negundo and commonly known as â??Nishindaâ?? in Bengali, â??Nallavalliâ?? in Telugu, â??Nagodâ?? in Gujarati and â??Nallanochiâ?? in Tamil. Nirgundiâ??s natural habitats are chiefly in the Southern parts of Asia and Africa, being widely cultivated in the tropical environments of China, India, Indonesia, Tanzania, and Madagascar. It is a deciduous shrub, usually 2 to 8 meters in height, with a brown bark and green leaves that hold five leaflets. The flowers are white or blue in colour and upon developing, give rise to succulent, oval-shaped, purple fruits or drupes, with a fleshy pulp and seed in the interior.