The Rigol MSO5354 is a 4-channel oscilloscope that has a bandwidth of 350 MHz. Thanks to the exceptionally high sample rate of up to 8 GSa/s and a memory of 25 Mpts/channel, signals can be analysed and processed in great detail. The MSO5354 offers the possibility to measure digital signals in combination with the PLA2216 logic analyser. Furthermore, the oscilloscope can be expanded with various bus trigger and analysis options. Besides the trigger and analysis options, it is also possible to add a power analysis option and a 2-channel function generator to the oscilloscope. Thanks to the 41 built-in waveform parameters, automatic measurements can easily be performed. The oscilloscope is equipped with a 9" capacitive touch screen, making it easy to operate. With various interfaces like LAN, USB and HDMI it is possible to connect the MSO5354 for example to a PC to transfer the measurement results, or directly to a monitor via the HDMI connection. The Web Remote Control interface allows the user to perform measurements from a distance. For this you only need to enter the oscilloscope's IP address into your browser, no software is required. All this makes the oscilloscope widely applicable for various applications.