Champion All Fleet T series engine oils are designed to provide premium performance to meet the needs of next generation of heavy-duty engines. Increased power density, reduced oil volume and extended drain intervals place unique demands on engine oils to control oxidation by-products, sludge and deposits. Due to higher shear stress and lower viscosity minimums for engine oils, only oils with the highest wear protection and viscosity stability can maximize the performance and life of advanced diesel engines. Champion All Fleet T builds on a long, trusted history protecting hard-working diesel engines. Oxidation Control- Controlling oxidation is a key performance improvement for the API engine oil upgrades. Champion All Fleet T series engine oils exceed industry and OEM oxidation performance, allowing users to achieve longer drain intervals, reduce maintenance and downtime, and extend engine life. Controlling oxidation, corrosive acids, sludge and varnish precursors allows for extended drains and minimized wear. Oxidation lower than OEM limits in over 60,000 mile on-highway and 600 hour off-highway drain intervals. Over 45% reduction in end-of-test oxidation in the new Volvo T-13 oxidation engine test. Wear Control- Champion All Fleet T series engine oils keep your engines going longer by reducing engine wear, preventing high temperature corrosion and controlling abrasive soot contamination, even while allowing for improved fuel economy and lower total cost of ownership. Over 75% less pushrod wear and 85% less injector screw wear than CJ-4 oils in proprietary, extra-severe engine testing. Outperformed corrosion bench testing limits by 70% for copper and over 98% for lead and tin. Part# 4158H/12 12/1 QT. Part# 4158N/4 4/1 Gal. Part# 4158U/2 2/2.5 Gal. Part# 4158D 5 Gal. Part# 4158AN 55 Gal.