Commodity: Aluminium Ingot, Gb/t1196-2002. No Reg. Lme. Loading Port: at Seller Options: Algeciras Port, Spain Origin: Spain / Iran. Contract: 3,000 Mt First Shipments + 15,000 Mt X 24 Months. Duration of Contract: 25 Months, Minimum, Expandable in Time and Monthly Amounts. Pagking: Net Weight Per Pallet: 1.2/1.5 Mt (+/-1%) Approx. For the First Shipment by Container 20 ft Will Be Loaded 23.5 Mt Approx. For the Following Planned Shipments, the Goods Will Be Introduced Directly Into the Warehouse of the Vessel Charged for Sea Transportation. Inspection: Sgs/bv/ccic or Similar International. Payment: L/c (Mt700-710) Irrevocable, Non-transferable, Payable 100% at the Sight Against Shipping Documents Completed & Sgs Quantity / Quality in Loading Port. SPECITICATIONS: Norms: DIN Al 99.7 (GB/T1196-2002, or AENOR A7) Al: 99.7000%. Si: 0.1000%. Fe: 0.1500%. Cu: 0.0080%. Mg: 0.0200%. Mn: 0.0300% Zn: 0.0350%. Ti: 0.0200%. The other: 0.0800%. Sizes: Weight of one ingot: ut to Small ingots (25 kg) max. (+/-5%) weight of the package: up to 1.2/1.5 MT m�¡x. (+/-5%).