A globe valve is a linear motion valve used to stop, start, and regulate the fluid flow. The globe valve disk can be removed entirely from the flow path, or it can completely close the flow path. During the opening and closing of the valve, the disc moves perpendicularly to the seat. Leakage from the globe valve seat is less as compared to the gate valve, mainly due to right angle contact between the disc and seat ring, which allows tighter seal between seats the disk. Globe valves consist of a movable disk-type element and a stationary ring seat in a generally spherical body. The valve stem moves a globe plug relative to the valve seat. The globe plug can be at any position between fully opened and fully closed to control flow through the valve. The globe and seat construction gives the valve good flow regulation characteristics. Turbulent flow past the seat and plug, when the valve is open, results in a relatively high pressure drop, limited flow capacity, and low recovery.