Magnus block boards are made in moisture resistant & boiling water resistant grade. The wooden battens are seasoned in scientifically run seasoning kiln plants and then get plain with the four sider precision plainer to obtain the uniform thickness of battens. These battens are systematically arranged and care is taken to avoid any gap between the battens. Regular test are conducted to maintain the quality of block boards as per relevant standards. Applications: Furniture and partition, panels, beaded doors, interiors of portable houses, bins and racks. Sizes (in feet) : 6x3, 7x3, 8x3, 6x4, 7x4, 8x4, 7x5, 8x5 Thicknesses: 19mm TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (IS:1659:2004) Test ISI Requirements Observed Values 1 Dimensional changes caused by humidity a) Changes, mm from 65% RH to 90% RH + 1mm Max + 0.50 mm from 65% RH to 40% RH  1mm Max. Ã? 0.55 mm b) Local planeness < 1/150 < 1/175 c) At the extreme range of No deÂlamination at the No delamination humidity extreme range of humidity observed 2 Adhesion of the plies Minimum pass standard Excellent 3 Resistance to water No deÃ?lamination after 72 No deÂlamination (72 hours boiling) hours boiling 4 Resistance to micro organisms No appreciable sign of No separation separation at edges. at edges 5 Modulus of elasticity Min. 5000 N / 6050 N / 6 Modulus of rupture Min. 50 N / 61 N / 7 Spot test Entire penetration of Satisfactory preservative chemicals through batten