The types of medical materials and the amounts used differ depending on the disease or surgery. Health Pro is fastidious when it comes to producing customized products because it is our firm belief as a manufacturer that our job is do our best to support all medical treatments by utilizing our existing knowledge and experience in medical kits production. The types of medical materials and the amounts used in each type of medical kits differ depending on the disease or the specific type of surgery performed.The raw materials used also vary depending on the requirements and needs of customer medical organization. Safety is an indispensable element for medical materials used in surgery. Not only do the materials need to be safe but the products must be produced with complete safety measures from the types of goods and dosage amounts contained in the kits to sterilization. The safety measures taken by Health Pro include automating the production line as much as possible to prevent human error, ensuring a clean production environment, and using a safe sterilization method to ensure that our products safely reach the end user. Delays are unacceptable when life is on the line. As a manufacturer that supports professional medical care, we are constantly looking for new ways to deliver products faster and have built the necessary domestic supply chain from production to shipment. We will continuously build up our network so in times of crisis our team nationwide can work together more efficiently to support life saving matters.