47.574 Mlt of Steel Production Capacity Reduced in Hebei Province Since 2018 It was reported that 47.574 million tons of steel production capacity and 6.474 million tons of cement production capacity have been reduced from 2018 to July, 2020, significantly enhancing the air quality in Hebei province. Since 2016, 11.949 million tons of cement production capacity, 29.238 million tons of coking capacity have been eliminated in Hebei Province. 518 cement enterprises and 89 coking enterprises have been reduced to 206 and 58 enterprises. After the industrial transformation and upgrading, product mix has been optimized and advanced steel products proportion has increased to 77%. Thus, the profitability of steel enterprises was greatly enhanced. Hebei also announced that all eligible enterprises in steel, cement, plate glass and pottery industries will complete the ultra-low emission transformation by the end of October. Subscribe SteelHome website to find more China Iron/Steel market information you're interested in.