* Air bags and tidal volume bags * Air bellows * Anaesthesia circuits * Anaesthesia machines, vaporizers, nebulizers, and inhalers designed for individual human use * Anaesthesia masks (including laryngeal) * Anti-siphon equipment * Block and epidural trays packaged for individual use * Endotrach tubes * Head straps and harnesses * Hyperinflation systems * In-line filters and cartridges, thermometers, CO2 detectors, sodalime canisters, and temperature and moisture exchangers (note: gas mask canisters, other than sodalime canisters designed for anaesthesia systems, require a specific license) * Intubation sets, probes and related equipment * Anaesthesiometers * Oral airways * Peripheral nerve stimulators * Anaesthesia pressure tubes and controllers * Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training manikins and lung bags * Vibration dampening mounts