Dear Mr. or Ms., Our company is located in Lithuania (EU) and can offer a fast delivery of HAND SANITIZER and SURFACE SANITIZER in large quantities. The product is produced in EU in accordance to the World Health Organization recommended formula No.1. The product has all relevant documents Quality Certificate and Safety Data Sheet. The product contains 80% of Ethanol, ethyl alcohol; also contains glycerol and hydrogen peroxide. Using exactly as instructed, the product is effective against various viruses (SARS-CoV-2, 2019-nCoV, etc.). Possible bottling: 150 ml 250 ml 500 ml 1 l 4 l 5 l 1000 l We can supply a product with your customized/personalized labels. The delivery time and the price depends on the quantity needed. We guarantee a competitive price. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Looking forward to your reply. UAB Representus Vilnius,