Feature Description Breed Ross 308 Broiler Purpose Commercial broiler meat production Hatchability High hatchability rate; typically around 77% to 93% Egg Size Medium to large; dependent on breeder age Embryonic Mortality Increases with prolonged egg storage beyond 10 days Flock Age Hatchability and egg characteristics improve with breeder age (e.g., at 45 weeks) Ross 308 broiler eggs are widely used in commercial poultry production due to their ability to produce fast-growing broilers with high meat yield. They are renowned for their consistent fertility and strong broiler performance. Hatchability and Egg Size Ross 308 fertile broiler eggs exhibit a high hatchability rate, ranging between 77% to 93% depending on the age of the flock and storage conditions. The size of the eggs is usually medium to large, which can be affected by the age of the breeder flock. Impact of Egg Storage Egg storage duration plays a significant role in hatchability. Prolonged storage (over 10 days) results in reduced hatchability and increased embryonic mortality. Proper storage and handling are crucial to maintain the quality of fertile eggs. Age of Flock Hatchability and egg size improve as breeder flocks age, with peak performance seen around 45 weeks. However, the hatchability declines as flocks reach the later stages of production.