Price: Depend On Quantity And Kinds .
Specification: 10:1 20:1 50:1
Brand Name : Chemcohealth
Place Of Origin : China
Moq : 10kgs
Color : Brownish yellow
Specification: 10:1;Fisetin 50% 98%
Brand Name : Chemcohealth
Place Of Origin : China
Moq : 10kgs
Color : Brownish yellow
Caralluma Fimbriata Extract - 10% to 40% Pregnane glycosides by Gravimetry
Caralluma fimbriata is an edible cactus, used by tribal Indians to suppress hunger and enhance endurance. The effect of Caralluma extract was assessed in overweight individuals by a placebo controlled randomized trial.
Centella Asiatica Extract - 10% to 40% Asiaticosides by HPLC
Centella asiatica extract is a rich source of natural bioactive substances, triterpenoid saponins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, triterpenic steroids, amino acids and sugars. Thus, many scavenging free radicals, exhibit antiinflammatory activity and affect on the stratum corneum hydration and epidermal barrier function.
Cinnamon Bark Extract - 5% to 20% Polyphenols by UV
The oils found in cinnamon bark are thought to reduce spasms, reduce gas (flatulence), and stimulate the appetite. Cinnamon might also increase blood flow. Cinnamon bark also contains a chemical that might work like insulin to lower blood sugar.
Citrus Bioflavonoids Extract - 10% to 50% Hesperidin by HPLC & UV
Citrus bioflavonoids are compounds found in citrus fruits like tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit. They come in combinations or can be taken individually. Citrus bioflavonoids have been used to improve blood flow and ease swelling in the body.
Curry Leaf Extract Is A Rich Source Of Antioxidants That Protect Us Against Gastric Damage And The Effect Of Free Radicals. The Extract Of The Curry Leaf Is Widely Used For Treating Heart Diseases, Cancer, And Diabetes.