The modified starch Acetylated Distarch Adipate (E1422) used in the large-scale production of Chili Sauce, Ketchup will help in the production of Chili Sauce, Ketchup: 1. There is higher plasticity, heat resistance during cooking, plasticity mode for products. 2. Better able to connect with food colors and odorants, preventing the product from separating from water. 3. Withstand heat in acidic environment. 4. Use Modified Starch Features to help products have a longer shelf life, higher gloss 5.Increasing economic efficiency 6.Products comply with ISO, Halal, ANVSTP, Allowable Additives, .
Specifically MODIFIED TAPIOCA STARCH (5000 MTs/month) is highly controlled for food grade. Some kinds of modified starch - Acetylated Distarch Adipate (E1422), Acetylated Distarch Phosphate (E1414), Distarch Phosphate (E1412), Acetylated Starch (E1420) which is variously applied for sauces (chili, tomato, ketchup), dairy products, mayonnaise, yogurt, coconut milk, sausage, ham, meat/fish ball, jam, canned food and instant noodle, etc. It is flexibly adjusted to achieve each customer's inquiry.
E-1422 - Acetylated distarch adipate - Potato Starch-Based Cold Water Soluble : APPLICATIONS As a Thickener and Stabilizer: It can be used in foods as a bulking agent and stabilizer. Gives medium smooth thickness & texture to the products like Ketchup, Chili Sauce, Soy Sauce, Chocolate sauce, Canned foods, Baked Foods, Gravies, Yoghurt, Jelly, and Pudding.
E-1422 - Acetylated distarch adipate - Maize Starch Based - Cold Water Soluble: APPLICATIONS As a Thickener and Stabilizer: FlaMas-MS-CWS-E1422 is cold water soluble. It can be used in foods as a Bulking agent, Binder, Thickener and Stabilizer; provides medium smooth thickness & texture to the products like Ketchup, Chilli Sauce, Soy Sauce, Chocolate sauce, Canned foods, Baked Foods, Gravies, Yoghurt, Jelly, and Pudding.
E-1422 - Acetylated distarch adipate - Tapioca Starch Based - Cold Water Soluble APPLICATIONS As a Thickener and Stabilizer: FlaMas-TS-CWS-E1422 is cold water soluble. It can be used in foods as a Bulking agent, Binder, Thickener and Stabilizer; provides medium smooth thickness & texture to the products like Fruit Sauce, Ketchup, Soy Sauce, Chocolate sauce, Canned foods, Baked Foods, Gravies, Yoghurt, Jelly, and Pudding.
Native tapioca starch, tapioca maltodextrin, modified tapioca starch, pregelatinized tapioca starch, cationic tapioca starch, oxidized tapioca starch, distarch phosphate e1412, acetylated distarch phosphate e1414, acetylated starch e1420, acetylated distarch adipate e1422 (hot swelling), acetylated distarch adipate e1422 (cold swelling).
StaThick-MS-CWS-E1414 is a modified, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Plantbased, Non-GMO, Cold Water Soluble starch used as a Emulsifier, Binder, Stabilizer and Thickener in Instant food products and various mayonnaise, sauces and gravies. This product has good resistance to heat and shear. It's stable to conservation and resistant to freezing. The special property of StaThick-MS-CWS-E1414 starch is its large water binding and fat binding Capacities.
E-1414 - Acetylated distarch Phosphate - Potato Starch-Based - Cold Water Soluble APPLICATIONS As a Stabilizer and Thickener : It can be used in foods as a stabilizer in oily foods. STATHICK emulsifies fat and prevent it from separating from the products like Cream fillings, Fruit Pie fillings, Gravies, Sauces and Mayonnaise. When added to foods, the modified starch forms gels and thickens the texture without having to be heated. Better water holding capacity : Maintains high moisture content & lower oil uptake in the product. Give the product best Water Holding Capacity. For Gluten-Free Products: It can be used as a Gluten-Free substitute in various foods including Nuggets, Meat Balls, Cutlets, Chicken Finger, Popcorn, Sausages, Flavored Sausages and Ready to Fry Minced meats.
Capacity: 5,000 MTs/month (05 starch factories) Grade: Acetylated Distarch Adipate (E1422), Acetylated Distarch Phosphate (E1414), Distarch Phosphate (E1412), Acetylated Starch (E1420) Application: for sauces (chili, tomato , ketchup), dairy products, mayonnaise, yogurt, coconut milk, sausage, ham, meat/fish ball, and instant noodle, etc. Manufacturer: DAWU CORPORATION, a member of the Leading Board of Vietnamese Cassava Association, over 20 years of processing tapioca starch. Market: China, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, Australia, Turkey, etc.
Gluten free native and modified starches for all industries like food, cassava flour, tapioca starch (cassava starch),maize starch (corn starch ), corn flour, potato starch, pregeletinised starches, physically modified clean label starches for food, functional native starches, rs4 dietary fibre starches, resistant starches, maltodextrins, liquid glucose, high maltose corn syrup, dextrose monohydrate, brown, white yellow dextrin, food grade modified starches emulsifiers, starch for crispy coating, starch as thickeners, binders, moulding starch, oxidised starch, thin boiled starch, acid treated starch, starch glycerols, e 1412 phosphated starch, e 1413 phosphated distarch phosphate, e 1414 acetylated distarch phosphate, e 1420 acetylated starch, e 1422 acetylated distarch adipate, e 1440 hydroxy propylated starch, e1442 hydroxy propylated di starch phospate, e 1451 acetylated oxidised starch. we make chemicals free, preservatives free, trans fats free, msg free, foods.Research and development of value added starches for specific applications, gluten free ingredients for food, vegan, plant based products for foods, etc., we are customising our value added modified starches, clean lable starches & functional food ingredients for the applications as binders, thickeners, emulsifiers, stabilisers, gluten free food ingredients, products, vegan food products, plant based food products, alternative meat products, meat analogues, texturing agents, low glycaemic food products, probiotic prebiotic symbiotic food ingredients. we are a complete customised solution provider for all kind of food applications.
A Modified Starch for Thickening, Stabilizing in various Shear applications. Monopoly product in India Gives Medium Smooth Thickness and Texture Maintains the stability at low temperature Excellent Resistance to High Temperature Excellant Thaw Freeze Stability E1422 Modiified Starch Suitable for All kinds of Sauces, KetchUp, Salad Dressings, Instant Foods
Improve Low temp Stability, Excellent Resistance to High Heat, Mechanical Shear & Low pH FEATURES: �¯?�· Improved Low-Temperature Stability �¯?�· Excellent Resistance to High Heat �¯?�· Mechanical Shear & Low pH APPLICATIONS: * Canned foods * Frozen Foods * Baked Foods * Soy Sauce, Ketchup & Chilli Sauce * Gravies * Yoghurt, Jelly, Pudding * Meat Ball * Fish Ball STORAGE Exhibits excellent stability when stored in a cool and dry ventilated place. Avoid direct sunlight.
Angel RS 3700-Modified Starch-E1413 is Tapioca starch based Phosphated Distarch Phosphate (E-1413). The Resistant starch (High dietary fiber) is Vegan, Gluten-Free and Plant-based and Non-GMO. It can be used as a Thickener, Emulsifier, Binder and Stabilizing agent in Sauce, Ketchup, Beverages, Confectionary products, Processed food, Bakery products Biscuits, Cookies and Dairy products.
FlaMas-MS-CWS-E1422 is Acetylated Distarch adipate-Pregelatinized maize starch which is a Vegan, Plant-based and Non-GMO based product that is pre-cooked, soluble in cold water. It can be used as a Thickener, Binder, Emulsifier and Stabilizing agent in Sauce, Ketchup, infants foods, Yogurt and Baking Industry.