Variety: - Humera & Wollega Crop feature:- Grows only in tropical areas with 90-120 frost- free days. Ideal Temperature: - 250c-27oc Sowing: June Harvesting: Sept-October. Producing regions:- Tigray, Oromia, Amhara, & South regions. The world healthiest crop 45-52% Oil content Lower cholesterol Prevent blood pressure Protect liver damage Ethiopia_ The 4th largest world producer of sesame. Ethiopian average annual production potential 308,521.15 ton
Sidamo (or Sidama - the latter refers to the Sidama people, while the former is what used to be known as Sidamo province) covers a large area spreading through the fertile highlands south of Lake Awasa in the Rift Valley. It is made up of over 20 different administrative areas, or woredas, with varying microclimates and altitudes; accordingly, there is a big variety of both grades and cup profiles that end up labelled as Sidamo. The Sidamo region (along with Harrar and Yirgacheffe) is one of three trademarked coffee regions in Ethiopia and is well known for having perfect climate conditions for coffee thanks to altitudes of between a 1,500 to 2,200 metres above sea level, ample rainfall, optimum temperature and fertile soil. Around 60% of the region's coffees are washed, though Sidamo also produces some excellent sun-dried coffees. There are upwards of 50 cooperatives in operation here, as well as many private buying stations - with over 200 washing stations around the various woredas.
03/12/2024 Re: Introducing Virgin Land and Rainforest Green Beans Coffee Dear Sir/Madam I am emailing you the details of our coffee and want to express my interest in working with you in the future. We are the coffee farmers in Ethiopia who cultivated and produced coffee at Arsi- natural coffee- located at Nassebo Worda on our farmland and exported it to Minnesota. We have selected Arabic coffee beans from Ethiopia and sundried them on the coffee bed. Three hundred thirty-two bags of 60kg (132.277 lb.) are available here in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Our coffee is dried on the coffee bed in the natural sun. Here are some key highlights of our coffee: Shade-Grown Excellence: Our coffee is nurtured under the protective shade of trees, allowing it to ripen gradually. This results in a more intricate and flavorful taste than other coffee varieties. Perfect Rainfall: Our coffee enjoys the advantage of receiving optimal annual rainfall during its growth period, enhancing its development. Organic Nature: Grown on virgin forest land, our coffee naturally realizes its full potential while maintaining its organic essence. Organic Certification in Progress: Although our coffee is organic, we actively pursue organic certification to give you more assurance. Altitudes: 1800 to 2020 above sea level; the cooler mountain temperature imbues. Availability: One container of 295 bags of 60 Kg is stored in Saint Paul, Minnesota. I will be happy to discuss our current and future business relationship at a time that works best for you. Sincerely, Wayou Sida 651-214-5961
WASHED SIDAMO This coffee is grown in the Sidamo region south of Ethiopia. The region is well known for having ideal climate condition for growing coffee. This is all due to high altitudes, between 2,000-2,200 meters, ample rainfall, optimal temperature and rich soil. The fruit notes of the Sidamo Grade 2 swing from big and jammy, to clean peach tea. The washed Sidamo has a light body and a floral taste in the cup. NATURAL SIDAMO The highland region of Sidamo very likely contains the areas where Arabica was born. This coffee is from the Sidama zone, which is a rich area for coffee. Thatâ??s unsurprising when you consider the high altitudes of 1,850 to 2,200 meters above sea level, plentiful rainfall and fertile soil that makes the coffee grown in this region so remarkable with the cupping notes of Caramel, Berry, Sweet, Sugary and Creamy, with a Soft Acidity and a Full Body NATURAL SIDAMO SPECIALTY COFFEE The Natural Sidamo was sourced from the growing region of Sidamo in Ethiopia and was produced by at elevation between 2,000 â?? 2,200 meters, plentiful rainfall and fertile soil that makes the coffee grown in this region so remarkable with the cupping notes of cherry, chocolate and dense with fruit forward notes of fresh berries and lemons with a rich orange.
Ginger (Zengible) Spices Ginger is an important crop among root / rhizome spices . Ginger require humid area with higher moisture , it grows in areas where there is 1200mm annual rainfall and where the mean temperature is not greater than 32Oc.
Niger Seeds (NOUG) Niger Seed Is Considered To Be The Native Of Ethiopia . From The Place Of Origin, it migrates to east Africa and India. Niger seeds are grown in moderate temperature of 18% to 23% in all types of soils from sandy to deep clay loams. It is sown on March / April and harvested on June. it is popular for its light flavor and oil content . Ethiopia uses the Niger seed for the oil extraction for human consumption as cooking oil.