Quality standard
Sulfur content%
No higher than 7%
Volatile matter: 8 - 12%
Ash content: No higher than 0.5%
Humidity: No higher than 5%
Real specific gravity, g / cm3 (1300 C °, calcined at 5 hours):2.03~2.08
Amount of coke powder% (blocks less than 8 mm): No higher than 25
Indicators: Sulfur content 1-7%; ash
Specifications :
Physical-Chemical Characteristic
Quality Standard
Sulfur Content%
No Higher Than 7%
Volatile Matter%
Ash Content%
No Higher Than 0.5
Humidity % No Higher Than 5
Real Specific Gravity, G / Cm3 (1300 C°, Calcined At 5 Hours)
Amount Of Coke Powder% (Blocks Less Than 8mm) No Higher Than 25
Indicators: Sulfur Content 1-7%; Ash Less Than 0.4%; Volatile Content 8-12%; Humidity Less Than 5%; Granularity (2mm Part + 30%)