Black granite, natural axinite, natural clinohumite , natural emerald, natural garnet natural kunzite, natural peridot, natural pollucite, natural scapolite, natural sphene, natural spinel, natural tourmaline, natural topaz, natural amethyst, natural imperial topaz, natural aquamarine
Spunbond nonwoven 25gsm to 60 gsm, meltblown bfe 99% nonwoven, polyethilene high density brand A4009MFN1325 ( TDS- 1097-2018) in 25kg, bags. Polyethilene high density brand T50-500, polypropylene grade TPP D 40 S, polyethilene high density brand Inpipe 100 natural, polyethilene high density brand T60-475-119 (Tadas-1097-2018) in 35kg bags,Asia pasific line HDPE injection CRF China direction
Black seed oil (nigella sativa) , cold pressed, natural, non gmo, alcohol free, chemical free heat free , solvent free, hexan free., almond oil extra virgin sesame oil and saffron