Guggul extract
Cranberry extract
Grapefruit seed extract
Banyan tree, cactus and succulent, bonsai and foliage plants.
Reetha, mehndi powder
Quebracho extract
Patchouli saplings, patchouli dry material
Botanical extract like bitter orange extract, bitter orange extract, herbal extract
Grape seed extract
Salacia reticulata, aleovera plants
Sappanwood extract
Kaempferia galanga
Herbal Extracts Like Astaxanthin, Marigold Soft Extract,Astaxanthin Extract,Herbal Extracts,Marigold Soft Extract
Commiphora (guugal mukul), commiphora, commiphora wighti, guugal mukul
Cinchona bark, herbal extracts, plant extracts
Cinchona bark, raoulia
Herbal Extracts, Nutraceutical Extracts
Silymarin extract
Plant extracts