Steel plants manufacturers: we are steel manufacturing industry provide steel rolling, steel re rolling mill, steel re rolling mills, steel rerolling, steel rerolling mill, steel rerolling mills, steel re rolling, hot & cold rolling mills, harvesters manufacturing industries, original equipment manufacturers, aluminum die castings, equipment suppliers.
Steel Re-rolling is a major steel section and bar producing technology used in India and abroad. Since its inception in India with setting up of first re-rolling mill in Kanpur in 1928, this technology has contributed significant steelmaking capacity in secondary steel sector in India.
Air Pollution
Depending upon the fuel used in heating the furnace of a Steel Re-rolling Mill, the characteristics of flue gases may vary. For coal fired furnaces they may consist of gaseous as well as particulate pollutants. For oil or gas fired furnaces, these flue gases may consist of just gaseous pollutants. The flue gases may also be corrosive in nature.
Selection of Technology for Air Pollution Control Device Selection of Technology for Equipment in an Air Pollution Control System in case of a Steel Re-rolling Mill depends upon the fuel to be used :
a. Scrubber based System for Oil / Gas Fired Furnaces
b. Cyclone and Scrubber based System for Coal Fired Furnaces
About Scrubber based System for Oil / Gas Fired Furnaces
Characteristics of Air Pollution Generated In Induction Furnace
1 Pollutants : Dust & Gases such as NO , SO , CO, Co x 2 2
2 Concentration : SPM - 1200-1500 mg/Nm (Maximum, in coal fired)
3 So - 800-1000 mg/Nm 2
4 NO - 20-50 mg/Nm x
5 Temperature : At Suction Point: 250-300 C
6 Nature of Dust : Slightly Sticky, Non Abrasive and Non Explosive
Control Practices
The control practice adopted in controlling air pollution in this industry mainly depends upon following parameters :
1 Dust/Gas Concentration at inlet
2 Discharge Standards
3 Temperature of Flue Gases
4 Nature of Pollutant i.e. Dust (Particulate) or Gaseous
5 Nature of Dust i.e. Sticky, Abrasive
6 Nature of Gases i.e. Corrosive, Non Corrosive
Working of Equipment
1. Ducts & Bends :
2. Scrubber :
3. ID Fan :
4. Stack (Chimney) :
About Cyclone and Scrubber based System for Coal Fired Furnace
Working of Equipment
1. Ducts & Bends :
2. Cyclone :
3. Scrubber :
4. ID Fan :
5. Stack (Chimney) :
Discharge Characteristics as Per Norms
1 Dust : Less than 150 mg/ Nm
2 Temp : Less than 80-100 C
3 Gases : Traces of SO , NO , Co , Co.
We are glad to propose 500 MT of stain less steel mill scale.
Mill scale is formed on the outer surfaces during by the hot rolling lamination of stainless-steel products.
At a visual inspection the material is a hard brittle sand and is mainly composed of iron oxides, mostly ferric, and is bluish black in colour, but it also contains considerable alloying elements such as chromium and nickel.
The recovery ratio after melting in furnace for the most valuable alloy elements is:
- Ni: 3.5 - 4.5%
- Cr: 6-8%
From the chemical and physical analysis performed on the scrap, and according to the European environmental rules, the material has been classified as a special non dangerous waste, listed in green list. In particular the mill scale can be classified as follows:
Waste code: 10 02 10
The material is stored on cemented flooring, and it can be loaded loose in tipper trucks or containers.
Chemical analysis of the material is available on request.
We deals in the following products of India, China, Taiwan and Korea Origin:-
Cold Rolled Steel (Cold Rolled Steel Strips, Cold Rolled Steel Coils, Cold Rolled Sheets etc.)
We deals in the following products of India, China, Taiwan and Korea Origin:-
Cold Rolled Steel (Cold Rolled Steel Strips, Cold Rolled Steel Coils, Cold Rolled Sheets etc)
We deals in the following products of India, China, Taiwan and Korea Origin:-
Cold Rolled Steel (Cold Rolled Steel Strips, Cold Rolled Steel Coils, Cold Rolled Sheets etc.)