Excessive biliousness, Colic, Indigestion, Gaseous distension of stomach, Loss of appetite, Vomitting, Giddiness, Hyperpyrexia etc
Treats Muscular pain, body pain, arthritis, rheumatism.
Treats Premature ejaculation, Nocturnal emmission, spermatorrhoe.
Cures Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Pain in abdomen during menstruation period.
Blackening of skin, Erysipelas eczema, black spot formation in nails.
Burning and Tingling sensation of Hand and feet, General Tonic.
Enlargement of liver and spleen and Flatulance.
For the management of diabetes mellitus.
Allergic Dermatitis, Itching, Poisonous bites, Blackening of skin, Fissure of palms and soles.
Menstrual disorders such as Amenorrhoea, dysmennorhoea, Indicated in six types of gastritis, phantom tumour,flatulence, anaemia, gastralgia, painful micturition.
Treats Cough, Loss of Appetite, Chronic Cough, Wheezing, Fever due to Phlegm.
Treats Cough, Weezing, Expectorant
Treat dysentery, bleeding piles, internal haemorrhages, indigestion, fever, burning sensation, colic, ulcers, pimples.
Cures Skin diseases such as itches, scabies, skin fissures, scaly & exudative skin, venereal rashes, rashes, acute itching, wasp sting/insect bite.
Treats Digestive disorders, Odorus belching, Acid peptic disorders.
Treats Peptic ulcer, Hairfalling/Alopecia, Skin Diseases and Urinary Calculi/Urolithiasis.
To Reduce High Blood Pressure.
Bath Soap..