Botanical Name: Dactylorhiza Hatagirea Salam Panja or Salab Panja is a herb, and the botanical name for this herb is Dactylorhiza Hatagirea. This herb grows in the high altitude mountain climate of Western and Central Himalayas, where the temperature is exceptionally harsh, mainly below the freezing point. Different names are used for this herb in various regions, such as Salem Panja in Kashmir, March Orchis in Europe, and Ambolakpa in Ladakh
Product Name : Salam Panja Extract 25 % Botanical Name : Dactyloriza Hatagirea Part Use: Root Active Content : Saponins
Hibiscus flower, neem, aabel moshacus, safed musli, salam panja.
Cordycep sinesis(yarsagumba, keeda jari), , fritillaria cirrhosa (van lehsun), , aconitum, , agar wood, , chlorophytum borivilianum (musli), dactylorhiza hatagirea( salam panja), arisaema triphyllum(jack in the pulpit), panax ginesing.Transportation
Wild garlic, guchhi mushrooms, (morchella esculenta), trillium govanianum, picrorhiza kurroa, mostly all types of natural herbs morel mushroom botanical name: morchella esculenta saffron botanical name: crocus sativus kutki botanical name: picorrhiza kurroa aconite root botanical name: aconitum napellus nagchatri botanical name: trillium govanianum red clover botanical name: trifolium pratense neetles botanical name: urtica dioica belladonna roots botanical name: atropa belladonna ban kakri botanical name: podophyllum hexandrum 10).quince seeds botanical name: cydonia oblonga .fritillaria botanical name: fritillaria cirrhosa salam panja botanical name: dactylorhiza hatagirea anise seed botanical name: pimpinella anisum, milk thistle botanical name: silybum marianum, kakra singi botanical name: pistacia integerrima.
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Botanical Name: Morchella esculenta Morel is a seasonal wild edible mushrooms with a unique earthy and nutty flavor. They are found around the base of apple and pine trees in Kashmir Valley, Karakoram, and Himalaya Mountain ranges and in the Northern area of Pakistan in Hindu Kush. Their hunts start in spring and early summer when the snow melts and soil become soft and moist. Fresh Morels are then dried in sunlight or indirectly in a room heated by burning woods Uses/ Benefit: Rich in nutrients Great in taste in cuisine
Botanical Name: Trillium govanianum Trillium govanianum is a high-value medicinal herb belonging to the family Melanthiaceae and is mainly distributed from Kashmir, Pakistan, Bhutan between the altitudinal ranges of 2500â??4000 metres above sea level across the Himalayan region
Kutki Botanical Name: Picorrhiza kurroa Kutki is a small ceaseless herb and usually grows up to 20-30cm in height. This plant's root is tubular, elongated, and straight or slightly curved, with few longitudinal and dotted scars, mostly attached to rhizomes. The botanical name of Kutki is Picorrhiza kurroa. It is found in the Himalayas range of India, Pakistan, Kashmir, China, and Bhutan.
Botanical Name Aconitum napellus Aconite is a ceaseless plant that grows up to 06 to 15m in height Its flowers are blue or purple and helmetshaped The botanical name of Aconite Root is Aconitum napellus It is found in many parts of Asia Europe Africa America and Canada
Botanical Name: Trillium govanianum Trillium govanianum is a high-value medicinal herb belonging to the family Melanthiaceae and is mainly distributed from Kashmir, Pakistan, Bhutan between the altitudinal ranges of 2500 - 4000 metres above sea level across the Himalayan region
Botanical Name: Trifolium pratense Trifolium pratense, Red Clover is a herbaceous species of flowering plant in the bean family fabaceae, native to Europe , western Asia, and north west Africa.
Botanical Name: Pistacia Integerrima Kakdaseengi is found in the Himalayas, Kashmir, Sikkim to Bhutan mountain range at 600 to 2500 meters. Its botanical name is Pistacia Integerrima J. L. Stewart, ex Brandis. A different word is used for Kakdaseengi in a foreign language
Botanical Name: Urtica dioica Urtica is a genus of flowering plants in the family Urticaceae. Many species have stinging hairs and may be called nettles or stinging nettles, although the latter name applies particularly to Urtica dioica. Urtica species grow as annuals or perennial herbaceous plants, rarely shrubs. They can reach, depending on the type, location and nutrient status, a height of 10â??300 centimetres (3.9â??118.1 in). The perennial species have underground rhizomes. The green parts have stinging hairs. Their often quadrangular stems are unbranched or branched, erect, ascending or spreading.
Botanical Name: Atropa belladonna Atropa belladonna is a branching herbaceous perennial rhizomatous hemicryptophyte, often growing as a subshrub from a fleshy rootstock. The root of the plant is generally the most toxic part, though this can vary from one specimen to another. The active agents in belladonna, atropine, hyoscine (scopolamine), and hyoscyamine, have anticholinergic properties.
Botanical Name: Pimpinella anisum Anise seeds are the seeds of the anise plant (Latin name Pimpinella anisum), which is a flowering annual that's native to the eastern Mediterranean region and Southwest Asia
Botanical Name Silybum marianum Whole milk thistle seeds are obtained from Silybum marianum a Mediterranean herb commonly called Holy Thistle Ladys Thistle and Blessed Thistle While the seeds are most frequently used to make teas tinctures and infusions they can also be as food Milk thistle Silybum marianum L Gaertner Asteraceae is an annual or biennial that grows from 5 10 feet 15 30 m tall has large pricklyedged leaves covered with undulating white patches and stems containing a milky juice
Quince Seeds Botanical Name: Cydonia oblonga The quince is a monotypic genus comprising the family Rosaceae, subfamily Maloideae and genus Cydonia (USDA, 2009). The quince plant grows as a shrub or small tree (4 - 6 m high) and is rounded by a canopy up to 3 m in diameter.
Botanical Name: Crataegus chrysocarpa Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha; family Rosaceae), also known as whitehorn, maybush, or haw, is a fruit-bearing shrub consisting of bright red berries, white flowers, and bright green leaves. It is native to North America, Asia, Europe, and Northern Hemisphere temperate regions
Botanical Name: Podophyllum hexandrum Ban Kakri is also known as the Himalayan apple, is a plant found in the Himalayan range of Pakistan, Afghanistan, China and India. Ban kakri plant is located in the meadows and moist, forest shaded slop at an altitude of 2600-4500 m. The root and underground stem (rhizome) of this plant are used for medical purposes. We provide Ban kakri that we collected from the Himalayan range of Pakistan area such as Gilgit, Skardu, Allai Valley and About Abad.