Amulya Tastee Tangoo Rings available in Many flavors like Mint Fresh, Spicy Tomato, Spicy Masala and also in Non Spicy flavors. Packing Details : Each Packet weighs 16 g. such 180 packets arranged in a CB. Loadability in 40 HC is 630 CBs.
Garuda Snack Pilus Available variants Pilus beef floss flavour 10x7gr, pilus roast beef taste120x7gr, pilus roast beef taste 50x(75+15gr), pilus seaweed flavour 120x7gr, Pilus fried noodle taste 50x(75+15gr), Pilus fried noodle taste 60x16gr, Pilus rendang taste 50x(75+15gr), Pilus rendang taste 60x16gr, pilus spicy taste 120x7gr, spicy taste 50x(80+16gr), Pilus Original taste 50x(75+15gr). Product is Manufactured by PT Garuda Food
Garuda Peanut Snacks Available Atom Original 60x17gr, Atom Sweet 50x17gr, Atom Original 60x120gr, Atom Original 20x33+17gr, Atom Sweet 20x33gr, Atom Sweet and Savory 60x120gr, Atom Sweet and Savory 50x15gr, Atom Sweet and Savory 60x40gr, Atom Spicy 20x220gr, Atom Spicy 50x100gr. Product is Manufactured by PT Garuda Food