Marjoram Origanum Majorana / Marjoram / Marjoram Seasoning / Marjoram Spice / Origanum Majorana Plant Family: Lamiaceae Botanical name: Origanum majorana Origin: Egypt Cultivation: Common Packing: 20 kg bags Hs Code: 12119000 Marjoram Health Benefits: Digestive benefits: Drinking 2-4 cups of Marjoram tea can enhance the digestive system. Drinking the Marjoram tea will help digestion by: 1) Increasing the digestion efficiency by raising digestive enzymes & saliva. 2) The digestive system and stomach can be smoothed Improving appetite 3) Eliminating flatulence, by using Marjoram, basic intestinal infections can be recovered or stopped. 4) Calming aching stomach spasms or cramps. 5) Relieving diarrhea. 6) Relieving constipation.
Distillation is a process of separating the component substances from a liquid mixture by selective evaporation and condensation. The vacuum distillation has many like lower energy requirement, better quality products and less scaling on the distillation trays due to sludge. The vacuum distillation produces ethanol of international quality standards and there is a lot of demand of ethanol from the vacuum distillation process. Distillation Process in which the components of a substance or liquid mixture are separated by heating it to a certain temperature and condensing the resulting vapors. Some substances have components that vaporize at different temperatures and thus can be separated by condensing their vapors in turn. Distillation is also used as a purification process in which non-volatile components are separated from volatile ones.