ENI I-SINT TECH 0W30 1L (34031980), ENI I-SINT 5W30 205L (34031980), ENI I-SINT 5W40 1L (34031980), ENI I-SINT 5W40 205L, ENI I-SINT FE 5W30 1L (34031980), ENI I-SINT MS 5W30 1L, ENI I-SINT MS 5W30 205L, ENI I-SINT MS 5W40 1L (34031980), ENI I-SINT MS 5W40 4L, ENI I-SINT MS 5W40 205L (34031980), ENI I-SINT 10W40 1L, ENI I-SINT 10W40 205L, ENI I-BASE PROFESSIONAL 15W40 1L, ENI I-SINT 10W40 PROFESSIONAL 5L, ENI I-SINT 10W40 PROFESSIONAL 205L, ENI MIX 2T 1L, ENI I-RIDE SCOOTER 2T 1L, ENI I-RIDE RACING 2T 1L (34031980), ENI I-RIDE SCOOTER 4T 15W50 1L, ENI I-SIGMA PERFORMANCE E7 15W40 205L, ENI I-SIGMA PERFORMANCE E7 15W40 20L
Eni has developed a new lubricants food grade line that meets the needs of food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and pet food industry.
The utilization of Eni lubricants "food grade" allows to:
minimize the food contamination risk in all stages of production, as required by HACCP protocol (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point),
meet the lubrication requirements for any machinery utilized during production processes,
guarantee high quality standards level of products,
maximize the productivity.
This product is using Amlogic Cortex A9 1GHz CPU with Android 4.0 operating system, built-in WiFi and Ethernet connection, supporting wire and wireless networking access. Besides, it supports Google Chrome Web browser, USB external portable hard disk drive, wireless keyboard, USB mouse, etc. It provides you the capability of all-in-one entertainment box for your big TV screen.
Android 4.0 operation system with higher performance.
ARM Cortex A9, 1GHz CPU.
Built-in WiFi: 802.11b/g/n.
Support Ethernet cable for Internet.
Support SD card up to 32GB.
Easy one-click firmware upgrade from SD card.
Support network 1080P HDMI videos.
Support YPbPr output.
Easy file sharing within the LAN.
It is a perfect combination of HD media player, computer, digital photo frame, game console, and Internet set-top-box.
Support Social Network, you can share information with friends on Facebook, Flicker, Twitter, or uploading files onto YouTube.
It allows you to watch movies, listen to music, view picture albums, play games, read news, chat with friends easily.
Support language:
Arabic, Egypt (ar_EG), Arabic, Israel (ar_IL), Bulgarian, Bulgaria (bg_BG), Catalan, Spain (ca_ES), Czech, Czech Republic (cs_CZ), Danish, Denmark(da_DK), German, Austria (de_AT) German, Switzerland (de_CH), German, Germany (de_DE), German, Liechtenstein (de_LI), Greek, Greece (el_GR), English, Australia (en_AU), English, Canada (en_CA), English, Britain (en_GB), English, Ireland (en_IE), English, India (en_IN), English, New Zealand (en_NZ), English, Singapore(en_SG), English, US (en_US), English, Zimbabwe (en_ZA), Spanish (es_ES), Spanish, US (es_US), Finnish, Finland(fi_FI), French, Belgium (fr_BE), French, Canada (fr_CA), French, Switzerland (fr_CH), French, France (fr_FR), Hebrew, Israel (he_IL), Hindi, India (hi_IN), Croatian, Croatia (hr_HR), Hungarian, Hungary (hu_HU), Indonesian, Indonesia (id_ID), Italian, Switzerland (it_CH), Italian, Italy (it_IT), Japanese (ja_JP), Korean (ko_KR), Lithuanian, Lithuania (lt_LT), Latvian, Latvia (lv_LV), Norwegian-Bokmol, Norway(nb_NO), Dutch, Belgium (nl_BE), Dutch, Netherlands (nl_NL), Polish (pl_PL), Portuguese, Brazil (pt_BR), Portuguese, Portugal (pt_PT), Romanian, Romania (ro_RO), Russian (ru_RU), Slovak,Slovakia (sk_SK), Slovenian, Slovenia (sl_SI), Serbian (sr_RS), Swedish, Sweden (sv_SE), Thai, Thailand (th_TH), Tagalog, Philippines (tl_PH), Turkish, Turkey (tr_TR), Ukrainian, Ukraine (uk_UA), Vietnamese, Vietnam (vi_VN), Chinese, PRC (zh_CN), Chinese, Taiwan (zh_TW).
ARM Cortex A9, 1GHz
Operation System
Android 4.0
User Interface
Android System User Interface Style
DDR2 512MB
NAND flash 4GB
Support external SD card up to 32GB
WIFI: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
Rj45 network connection interface
Web Browser
Google Chrome
Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Flash Player 10.1
Firmware Upgrade
Upgrade from SD card
Download applications and games from Android Market
Online support
Online video, music, picture, Internet TV, Internet Radio, etc.
GPU Integrated Mali-400 GPU (3D Acceleration Engine)
File system
Video Format1080P DIVX/H264/AVI/ts/m2ts/mkv/mp4/mpg/mpeg/rm/rmvb/wmv/dat/vob/vc1
Image Format BMP/JPG/PNG/GIF
It can process sesame, peanut , almond, chestnut, walnut and other nut which contain oil.
work 24 hours non stop
Low rotating speed,only 30-33 rpm/min, so the tahini is not hot,the sesame nutrition, taste and mineral can be kept well, s uch as protein, VE, calcium,phosphrous, iron etc will not be broken.
the capacity we have 5kg/h,10kg/h,20kg/h,30kg/h,50kg/h,100kg/h ,150kg/h and customized production line
It can process wheat, corn, rice , maize, beans, millet, oats, buckwheat, herb, tea , sorghum, dry chilli/pepper
Low rotating speed, only 19-25 rpm/min, so low temperature , so the flour nutrition and taste such as protein, carotin, vb etc can be kept well . The flour will be more gluten and no need to add any additives.
The capacity we have 20kg/h, 30kg/h, 40kg/h, 50kg/h, 60kg/h, 75kg/h and customized production line
The machine can process soybean, peanut ,almond,rice etc.
Stone running slow. The soybean milk have full natural release of soy protein and a variety of nutrition. The natural minerals in the stone and the soybeanâ??s nutrition mix together to make the soybean milk more fragrant and delicious,more nutrition.
the capacity we have 3kg/h,4kg/h,5kg/h,7kg/h,10kg/h,15kg/h ,20kg/h, 30kg/h,75kg/h and customized production line