Mpeg-4 compressing format, support win2000
60fps(640x480), 120fps(640x240), 120fps(320x240)
Resolution for each channel, able to set save speed.
Each channel per 5 area/ able to set sensitivity
Records 1 minute before the preset time.
Preview search, date time, channel, index (alarm)
Watch dog . Watermarking
Video loss detection
Emergency transfer function
Ndms(netsafe-dvr management system) interlock function dvr, emergency agent, center interlock function transmission speed : 80fps(lan)
You C 1000 Vitamin and Isotonic Drink
Available variants orange water (24x500ml), Lemon Water (24x500ml), Lemon (30x140ml), Orange (30x140ml), Mango (30x140ml), Apple (30x140ml). Product is Manufactured by PT Djojonegoro C-1000.
Fresh Cold C 1000 mg is a health drink that can stop free radicals from forming or disrupt a chain of oxidation reactions to minimize damage caused by free radicals. Useful for maintaining endurance and smoothing the skin.
Available in 2 variants:
- Lime
- Orange
-7gr x 12 scahet/rncng
2 bundles/pack; 12 packs/box
- 7gr x 4 sachets/small box
12 small boxes/box
Yuri Sol-Pine Original 630 ml Pouch x 12
Yuri Sol-Pine Original 1000 ml Btl x 12
Yuri Sol-Pine Original 18 Lt Kaleng x 1
Yuri Sol-Pine Original 200 Lt Drum x 1
We are proposing about 1000 1200 Mt/ton monthly of iron slag derived from the desulphurisation skimming process. This material is a iron by- product that is encapsulated in varying levels of contaminants (S,Mg,Si). In order to enhance its usability, the material is processed and screened. We can propose two specifications of Iron Slag
1. >85% Fe Average 600mm Max Fraction
2. >78% Fe Average 20-300mm Fraction
The level of Fe% in the slag has been estimated by water displacement test. For any further information please feel free to contact
We are proposing about 2000tons of iron slag derived from the desulphurisation skimming process. This material is a iron by- product that is encapsulated in varying levels of contaminants (S,Mg,Si). In order to enhance its usability, the material is processed and screened. We can propose two specifications of Iron Slag
- European Code: 19.12.01
- Basel Code: B1010
- HS Code: 2619.0020
- Quantity: 2000 tons currently available
- Monthly quantity: 500-1000 tons depending on production
- Size: 350 1200 mm
- Fe content: from 77 to 86%
- C content: above 2,5-3%
- Bulk density: 2,8-3,4 tons/m3
- Loading type: loose in 20 (26-27 tons on average)
The level of Fe% in the slag has been estimated by water displacement test. For any further information please feel free to contact us
The supplier offers delivery from Ukraine of the following goods: Name: pine pellets; Technical characteristics: class EN Plus A1; MOQ: 110 - 1000 tons; Color: light; Packaging: bag - 15 kg, Big bag - 1,000 kg; Terms of delivery: DDP warehouse of the Buyer; Delivery time in Europe - 3-5 days; Price - as agreed with the buyer; Terms of payment: advance payment under BG return of payment or SBLC; Contact person: Nik