Wheat flour Wheat
Wheat 2.2lbs Whole Wheat 2.2 lbs
Wheat 2.2lbs Whole Wheat 2.2 lbs
1. Commodity, Quantity: (2% more or less at Seller's option) of Kazakhstan origin, crop 2021, (hereinafter Goods). Packing in bulk. It is possible to increase the total quantity. of the Goods by the parties' agreement. Shipment by __________________. 2. Quality: 2.1. The Goods dispatched under the present the contract must conform to the following quality specifications: Test weight: kg/hl ISO 7971-3:2009 79,30 Protein: % ISO 20483:2013 14,50 Moisture: % ISO712:2009 11,50 Foreign matter: % ES 742/2010 0,25 Other Grain: % ES 742/2010 0,50 Falling number: sec ISO 3093:2009 325 Bug damaged kernel:% ES 742/2010 0,25 Insect damaged kernel:% ES 742/2010 0,10 Wet gluten:% ISO 21413-2 33,00 Sedimentation: ml ISO 5529:2007 64/74 AlveographW 10-4JISO 27971:2008 383 The grain (from now on referred to as "the Goods." or "the Grain") must be sound and merchantable, free from foreign smell and colour and live insects Toxic Remains of Pesticide Residues: should not. exceed codex for International Limits Cargo to be substantially free of alien objects such as: Glass-cement-metal-rust-ropes-bags-cloth. The rest qualitative specifications are as per ST. RK 1046-2008 Inspection of quality and quantity of the goods to be carried out at loading point(s) and at loading time, and the relevant certificate(s) to be issued by the inspection company Baltic Control Kazakhstan Ltd not before Transport Documents' date. Quality is final in loading. point(s) at the time of loading according to Certificate of Quality and Quantity issued by Baltic Control Kazakhstan Ltd for the whole lot. Weight is final at the time of loading according to draft survey of the vessel. Inspection at the Seller's account. The goods shall be fumigated by inspection. company Baltic Control Kazakhstan Ltd with issuing of the fumigation certificate at the Seller's account, evidencing that goods have been fumigated by three tablets of makfos of 3 grams each per M/T (i.e. 3 tablets x 3 grams = 9 grams of makfos per 1 M/T).
Test weight ISO 7971-3 min 78 kg/hl Moisture max 14.5 pct Protein min 14.5 pct Foreign matter max 2 pct Falling number min 250 seconds Vitreousness min 75% Soft wheat max 10% Goods shall be tree from foreign smell, grain insects/\'weevils. quarantine objects, castor seeds or other poisonous seeds, to be free from any signs of sprouting.
Wheat Germ
Wheat Millrun
Wheat Distiller Dry Grain
Wheat Porridge/Dalia
We can supply 3000mt of Durum wheat per month. Price is $750 USD per MT We have SGS test and gluten test and photos Human grade, Characteristics: Limit: SGS # 913 Sample ID Soft Wheat Grade #3 CWAD Protein (%) 17.4 Dockage (%) 1.3 HVK (%) 86 TWT (kg/hl) 79.9 Moisture (%) 10.4 CON CL (%) - WOO WOOC (%) 0.5 Ergot (%) 0.037 Heated (%) 0.000 Midge (%) 0.5 Smudge (%) 0.08 Sprouted (%) 0.18 Fusarium (%) 0.08 FM (%) 0.10 r
WHEAT Wheat is the most cultivated annual plant in the world. Wheat plant is herbaceous and a grain. Wheat flour is a basic nutrient used in feed production. Wheat has been and still is the most important food item for people in the past and now. The fact that it contains the starch and protein substances necessary for nutrition in a very suitable ratio has made the wheat plant the most cultivated plant. The amount of energy is 1.18. It contains vitamin B and carbohydrates. The number of varieties found in Turkey alone exceeds 550. Some of those; Wheat, White wheat, Einkorn wheat.
Origin: Ukraine Package: bulk, 25/50 kg pp bags SPECIFICATION: Protein - 11.5 % min Test weight - 740 min Falling number - 230 min Gluten - min 23 FM - max 2%, Moisture - max 14% max
Crop: 2019 Origin: Ukraine Package: bulk, 25/50 kg pp bags SPECIFICATION: Test Weight - min 72 kg/Hl Moisture - max 14% Purity - min 98%
Wheat is a cereal grain mostly eaten in the form of bread in different parts of the world Wheat exporter in India exports tonnes of wheat abroad each year Wheat is also known to have a higher protein content than other major cereals such as maize or rice Thus the global demand for wheat export is on the rise The Indian wheat exporter therefore exports increasing amount of wheat and wheat products each year This is a good opportunity for wheat export from India to rise and earn good revenues for the vendors and farmers INGREDIENTS Nutrients Calories 364 calories Dietary Fiber 27 g Total Carbohydrate 76 g Protein 10g Vitamins Vitamin B6 Minerals Iron Thiamin Niacin Calcium Selenium Manganese Phosphorous Copper Folate Fat WHEAT VARIETIES WE EXPORT Wheat import from India includes import of various varieties of wheat like VL 832 VL804 HS365 so on and so forth The wheat exporter in India export premium quality products to various continents in the world The export of wheat from India includes the following key varieties 1 VL832 The VL832 variety of wheat is exported from India to many countries in the world The days required for the maturity of this variety is around 155160 days The average yield of this variety of wheat is 2530qha This variety of wheat is said to be resistant to brown and yellow rusts and lose smut 2 VL804 For the variety VL804 the time required for the plant to mature after transplanting is around 164178 days This variety of wheat is known to be tolerant of snowfall It is also resistant to brown and yellow rusts 3 HS365 The HS365 variety of Wheat is majorly grown in the state of Tamil Nadu In Tamil Nadu this variety is said to be grown in the Nilgiri and Palni hills regions This variety of wheat grows well at a high altitude in all situations 4 HS240 This variety of wheat grows well in the hills of Uttarakhand Himachal Pradesh JampK Sikkim and other far eastern states HS249 grows well on a mediumaltitude and is irrigated timely sown or rainfed timely sown 5 HD 2687 The HD 2687 variety of wheat is generally grown in the regions of Punjab Haryana Delhi Western Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan foothills of Himachal Pradesh Jammuamp Kashmir and Uttarakhand The cultural conditions required for this variety are Irrigated Timely sown 6 PBW343 The PBW343 is a variety of wheat which is grown in states like Punjab Haryana Delhi Western Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan foothills of Himachal Pradesh Jammuamp Kashmir Uttarakhand and such other states The cultural conditions required for this variety include irrigated Timely sown 7 SHRESTH HD 2687 Shreshth also known as HD 2687 is a variety of wheat exported from India The states where this variety is grown are Punjab Haryana Delhi Western Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan foothills of Himachal Pradesh Jammuamp Kashmir Uttarakhand and such other states