BASIS E CORP is a dynamically developing
company in the sphere of agriculture, particularly in the rice industry of Kazakhstan. We sell polished rice, grinded crushed rice. Our rice "Yantar" is an exquisite, delicious, transparent rice variety (transparency 96%).
The main value of our company is the unique knowledge and experience accumulated over decades of continuous struggle for the export of a quality product.
-We deliver to your warehouse.
Our plants can process rice according to the requirements of the customer.
The proportion of broken rice can be regulated up to the demand and it affects the price
Length of cereal 7 mm Width of cereal 2.5 mm Color white glassy 96%. Yantar increases 3 times during cooking. Cooking time 15-17 min. Nutrional information per 100g of product: Protein 8.02g Total fat 0.65g Carbohydrate 74.49g Energy 1489 kJ. Dishes that can be made from Yantar - side dish, fried rice, foods from rice with no water
Henning Saint millet color sorters mainly sort millet based on the differences in color and the optical properties to keep the golden high-quality millet, remove dark, grey, green and white millet, gravels and particles of different colors.
Midwest grown corn that is top grade. Looking for serious buyer who s looking for grain from 1 bushel to Millions of bushels. Will work with all different types of shipping solutions
Please call or reach out to talk about business or simply tour our production facilities.
Yellow corn is a variety of sweet corn. Its ears are wrapped in tightly bound lime hued husks with silks and a tassel that extend out from the tip. The yellow kernels are packed in tight almost uniform rows. A single ear of corn can contain up to 400 kernels. Freshly harvested yellow corn at its peak ripeness is sweet, offering flavors of almond and sugar, the kernels so succulent, the skin pops as you bite into it. As the corn matures, the kernels lose their milky consistency giving way to a starchy and doughy consistency. At this point, the corn is considered a grain crop and is best suited for processing or feedstock.
Wild Rice
Wild rice is not rice at all but a member of the grass family. Wild rice is high in antioxidants, protein, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber. It is low in fat too.
It is a native long black grain of North America and was traditionally grown wild in isolated lake and river bed locations.
Wild rice holds its long shape with cooking and has a nutty texture. It is often mixed with other rice to create blends or mixed as an added ingredient to various dishes such as salads.
Wild rice is also paleo approved.
Benefits of Wild Rice:
Optimizes digestion because of its high fiber content
Protects the heart â?? thereâ??s no sodium which helps lower blood pressure
Boosts immunity â?? includes Vitamin C
Improved bone health â?? phosphorus rich
Weight loss low calorie, gluten free food. Prevents overeating due to its high fiber and nutrient content
Aids in reducing signs of aging includes a high level of antioxidants
Corn is a cereal plant of the grass family and its edible grain. The domesticated crop originated in the Americas and is one of the most widely distributed of the world's food crops. Corn is used as livestock feed, as human food, as biofuel, and as a raw material in the industry. In the United States, the colorful variegated strains known as Indian corn are traditionally used in autumn harvest decorations Corn was first domesticated by native peoples in Mexico about 10,000 years ago. Native Americans taught European colonists to grow the indigenous grains, and, since its introduction into Europe by Christopher Columbus and other explorers, corn has spread to all areas of the world suitable to its cultivation. It is grown from 58�° N latitude in Canada and Russia to 40 Slatitude in South America, with a corn crop maturing somewhere in the world nearly every month of the year. It is the most important crop in the United States and is a staple food in many places.
Wheat, any of several species of cereal grasses of the genus Triticum and their edible grains. Wheat is one of the oldest and most important of the cereal crops. Of the thousands of varieties known, the most important are common wheat (Triticum aestivum), used to make bread; durum wheat (T. durum), used in making pasta (alimentary pastes) such as spaghetti and macaroni; and club wheat (T. compactum), a softer type, used for cake, crackers, cookies, pastries, and flours. Additionally, some wheat is used by industry for the production of starch, paste, malt, dextrose, gluten, alcohol, and other products. For treatment of the cultivation of wheat, see cereal farming. For the processing of wheat grain, see cereal processing. The wheat plant has long slender leaves and stems that are hollow in most varieties. The inflorescences are composed of varying numbers of minute flowers, ranging from 20 to 100. The flowers are borne in groups of two to six in structures known as spikelets, which later serve to house the subsequent two or three grains produced by the flowers. Though grown under a wide range of climates and soils, wheat is best adapted to temperate regions with rainfall between 30 and 90 cm (12 and 36 inches). Winter and spring wheat are the two major types of the crop, with the severity of the winter determining whether a winter or spring type is cultivated. Winter wheat is always sown in the fall; spring wheat is generally sown in the spring but can be sown in the fall where winters are mild.
Barley , a member of the grass family, is a major cereal grain grown in temperate climates globally. It was one of the first cultivated grains, particularly in Eurasia as early as 10,000 years ago. Barley has been used as animal fodder, as a source of fermentable material for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various health foods. It is used in soups and stews, and in barley bread of various cultures. Barley grains are commonly made into malt in a traditional and ancient method of preparation. In 2017, barley was ranked fourth among grains in quantity produced (149 million tonnes ) behind maize, rice and wheat. Barley was one of the first domesticated grains in the Fertile Crescent, an area of relatively abundant water in Western Asia, and near the Nile river of northeast Africa. The grain appeared in the same time as einkorn and emmer wheat. Wild barley ranges from North Africa and Crete in the west, to Tibet in the east. According to some scholars, the earliest evidenceof wild barley in an archaeological context comes from the Epipaleolithic at Ohalo II at the southern end of the Sea of Galilee. The remains were dated to about 8500 BCE.