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Control Unit: CPC 1.04, automatic size setting, Feeder type: stream feeder with ramp, electromechanical double sheet control, Double sheet control, Number of printing units: 5, Number of coating units: 1, Perfecting: 1/4, Plate changing: Autoplate, Alcolor, IPA, Washing device: all automatic washing devices, Ink temperature control, Delivery type: High Pile Delivery, Dryer: IR Dryer and Hotair Dryer, Powder device: Alphatronic 200, Gripper: Stainless steel, Technotrans beta-c, Excl. Chiller, Exkl. Pumping Station, Max sheet size: 530 x 740 mm
Preset (autom. paper size and thickness setting) - CPC 1.04 + CPtronic - Machine control and diagnosis console (Remote inking; dampening; axial, circumferential and diagonal register control with light pen; day light illuminator and memory card for job memories) - Programmable automatic blanket cylinders wash up - Programmable automatic impression cylinders wash up - Programmable automatic rollers wash up - Autoplate (semi automatic plate loader) with Bacher Control 2000 register system (425mm) - Chromed impression cylinders - Chromed plate cylinders - Chromed blancket cylinders - Pneumatic compressors - Powder sprayer device - Low pile - Automatic sheet de-curler - 2 delivery trolleys - Minuss version (Not prepared for numbering) - Oil drip pan, Tools, Documentations - Complete with all standard parts and accessories - plate punch and bender
2000 Komori L-428 EH, KMS IV (Komori Monitoring System) Impressions:107 mio. Color(s): 4Size: 520 x 720 mm Komori PCC for CIP 3 connection KPS-2 PQC Register remote control AMR automatic make ready system Chromed impression cylinders Chromed plate cylinders Komorimatic Conventional sidelay Steel plate in feeder Stream feeder Electromecanic double sheet control Beil Registersystem SAPC semi-automatic plate change Steel plate in delivery Grafix Digitronic powder spray Powder spray All washing devices Techno Trans Aplha C PPC 4 with calebrating files from CIP3 Speed: 15000/
Roland 705-L - 2000 104 x 72 cm (40 x 28 inch) Straight machine + coating unit Tresu APL - fully automatic plate change RCI: Remote Control Desk Rolandmatic Dampening Roland IR/TL Dryer Technotrans Cooling Device Grafix: Powder Sprayer Full Automatic Washing Devices - blankets/cylinders Preset: Automatic Adjustment of Size Ink Temperature control Long delivery Elevated Impression Account: 199 Mio.
Heidelberg SM 102VP Year: 1986 Colors: 4 Size: 72 x 102 cm Perfecting 2/2 4/0 High pile delivery CPC 1-02 Alcolor Dampening Baldwin Refrigeration Powder Spray Number of impressions:170 millions
2001 HEIDELBERG SM74-4 L Model: SM74-4 L Age: 2001 Circa 127 mill impressions Equipped with: CP 2000, Silver Series, Semi Autoplate, Grafix Powder Spray, Baldwin Refrigeration, Alcolor Dampening, Dedicated Coating unit, extended delivery, suction tape feeder. Excellent condition press
2000 Heidelberg SM 52-4-P with approx. 54 m. imps. only and equipped with perfector 2/2 4/0, CP-Tronic, CPC 1-04, stream feeder (15.000 sph), Alcolor damp. w. refrigeration, ink unit temperature control, Autoplate, all autom. washers, powder sprayer Grafix A. 200.
1997 Heidelberg SM 52-2 P Max.Size: 52 x 37 cm (20 x 14 inch) Current State: In stock Colors: 2 Impress.Count: 43 mio HD SM 52 2P Two colour press Preset, Alcolor Autoplate, Minus version Royse Refrigeration & Re-circulation, Ink, Blanket & Impression Cylinder wash, CPtronic controlled, Media print powder spray,
Heidelberg SM 52- 4 2001 Year : 2001 - Imp. Count : 67 mio imp. 4 colors Offset Press of size 37 x 52 cm equipped with: Low Pile Delivery - AUTOPLATE - PRESET (automatic size setting) - CP 2000 - ALCOLOR dampening - Technotrans Refrigeration - ALL Automatic washers (blanket, rollers and impression cylinders) - Grafix Alphatronic 200 powder spray - Speed 15.000 sheet/hour - antistatic device
Heidelberg SM 52-5 5 colour straight press Year: 2003 Classic Center (Remote register & colour control) CP Tronic 86 million impressions Low pile delivery Autoplate Alcolor dampening Technotrans Alpha refrigeration Auto roller wash Auto blanket wash Auto cylinder wash Grafix Alphatronic spray device Suction-tape feeder Available immediately
1998 Heidelberg SM 52-2 35 million impression Alcolor Dampening Autoplate Automatic washing devices
2002 Heidelberg SM 52 - 2 Max.Size: 52 x 37 cm (20 x 14 inch) Colors: 2 Impress.Count: 74 mio 74 mio imp.- 2 colours offset press of size 37 x 52 cm Extras: | Autoplate | Touch-screen Control | Autosize CP TRONIC AUTOPLATE - PRESET (automatic size setting) ALCOLOR dampening - ROYSE Refrigeration - ALL Automatic washers (blanket, rollers and impression cylinders) Plus Version (possibility of N P) Machine in good condition - available immediately
2008 komori LS 429+C Series 15 20x29 4/c Offset Press + Coater In-Plant SAPC Auto Ink Roller Wash Auto Blanket Wash PDC Light II Excellent Condition 24 mm Impressions Currently Under Power Complete with All Standard Tools and Accessories
2006 Heidelberg SM74-4H SE Max.Size: 74 x 52 cm (29 x 20 inch) Colors: 4 Impress.Count: 128 mio Extras: | Autoplate | Ink Remote Control | Touch- 52 x 74cm 13000 SPH 4 Color straight 128 million CP2000 - Print center Auto plate Alcolor dampening Auto ink roller washer No blanket washer Preset Feeder Techno-trans R/R Free from damages Available now
2001 Heidelberg SM 52 4 Type: SM 52 4 Size Max.Size: Format in cm : 36 x 52 Year: 2001 Colours:4 Impression: 38 Million 2 Feeder Boards Stream Feeder Suction Feed Board Electronic Sidelays Classic Center CPC 1-04 CP Tronic Alcolor Technotrans Alpha D Chiller Automatic Washups Medi print T Tech Powder spray Autoplate 2 Delivery trolleys Manuals & Tools