Mens fashion trousers and school trousers.
Manufactured by addition of acid to a native starch slurry, this popular textile starch has low and uniform viscosity, which allows it to withstand high temperatures and to be used in higher concentrations. This starch may also be used in paper manufacturing for sizing and strength. Our sales team can guide you towards finding the best specifications for this purpose. -Brightness- Min 90% -Cold water solubility Max 4% -Ash Content Max 1%
Manufactured by addition of acid to a native starch slurry, this popular textile starch has low and uniform viscosity, which allows it to withstand high temperatures and to be used in higher concentrations. This starch may also be used in textile manufacturing for sizing and strength. Our sales team can guide you towards finding the best specifications for this purpose. -Brightness- Min 90% -Cold water solubility Max 4% -Ash Content Max 1%
Produced by the hydrolysis of corn-starch, through an eco-friendly process, our white dextrin has a wide range of applications: - Can be used at higher solids levels than native or modified starches - To create stronger bonds - Have more tack - Dry faster than pastes made from unmodified starch - Is soluble in water Dextrin pastes provide excellent machinability and can be used in: - Adhesives and coatings that come into contact with food products - Child-safe school pastes - Removable wallpaper - Bag/envelope seams - Paper and textile sizing. Parameters: -Appearance- Off white free flowing powder -pH of 10% Slurry -2.5 - 3.5 -Moisture -Max 10% -Ash content -Max 1% -Free acidity- Max 5ml -Cold water solubility -Min 85%