Candies Group number 4 is contain 50 models . Price for this group per Kg is same. Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group Number 5 Candies Group number 5 is contain 23 models . Price for this group per Kg is same. Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group Number 6 Candies Group number 6 is contain 11 models . Price for this group per Kg is same. Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group Number 7 Candies Group number 7 is contain 17 models . Price for this group per Kg is same. Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group Number 8 Candies Group number 8 is contain 12 models . Price for this group per Kg is same. Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group Number 9 Candies Group number 9 is contain 3 models . Price for this group per Kg is same. Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group Number 10 contain 1 model The packaging amount and is noted beside its name. You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
The group of chocolate bar and snacks is contain of 16 models with different tastes and flavors . Each model is specified by a code that you can choose and send us your inquiry . Each chocolate packaging amount is different which is noted under their photo.
The Easter chocolate groups are our specialty for Easter period. This group contains 15 Models and each model comes with its Code and individual package .
Candy Mini Burger comes in package of 9x130 g and price is considered per piece
The box contains 18 pieces of Mini Pizza . Each Mini Pizza weight 85g
Pizza family candy box is contain of 12 pieces that each family pizza weight 435g
Sour Popping candy with fruit flavors comes in a box of 12 pieces x 24gram. Price is considered per piece . Licorice Lollipops with salt powder comes in a box of 15 pieces x 70 gram . Price is considered per piece.
Candies Group Number 2 Candies Group number 2 is contain 75 models . Price for this group per Kg is same. Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Product Description = Palm Oil Price of Product = Varies According but Season Guide Price $47 to $45 Product Origin = Sierra Leone Key Specification = 100% Unadulterated Pure Organic Harmonization System Code Hs = 1511 Minimum Order Size = 20 Feet Container Packaging = 20 Litre Robber
Product Description = Palm Oil Price of Product = Varies According but Season Guide Price $47 to $45 Product Origin = Sierra Leone Key Specification = 100% Unadulterated Pure Organic Harmonization System Code Hs = 1511 Minimum Order Size = 20 Feet Container Packaging = 20 Litre Robber
Product Description = Palm Oil Price of Product = Varies According but Season Guide Price $47 to $45 Product Origin = Sierra Leone Key Specification = 100% Unadulterated Pure Organic Harmonization System Code Hs = 1511 Minimum Order Size = 20 Feet Container Packaging = 20 Litre Robber
Oil produced from palm fruit is called red palm oil or just palm oil. It is around 50% saturated fat considerably less than palm kernel oil and 40% unsaturated fat and 10% polyunsaturated fat. In its unprocessed state, red palm oil has an intense deep red color because of its abundant carotene content. Like palm kernel oil, red palm oil contains around 50% medium chain fatty acids, but it also contains the following nutrients: Carotenoids, such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and lycopene Sterols Vitamin E
Pink Salt available in various forms, rocks, pebbles, grinned, etc. Certification and Lab reports available.
Arabica coffee.