Honey is the nectarous and saccharine exudations of plants (Honey Flora) gathered, modified and stored by the honey bee. Honey sold can be either of a single source or of a blend of floral honeys to give a required colour and flavour. The honey shall be clean, practically free from foreign matter including wax, comb and bee parts. The pure honey should be free of additives, noxious substances , fermentation and admixtures of any kind including sucrose and invert sugars.
Odour: Pleasant , characteristic aroma. Free from foreign odours.
Flavours: Pleasant sweet flavour, characteristic, sufficiently strong but not distinctive. Free from foreign or objectional flavours. Honey flavours will vary according to floral sources and harvest locations.
Clay blue, white, yellow, red, gray.
We sell eco-friendly clay natural from the Azov basic.
White, blue, gray, yellow, red.
Minimum order is 100 kg
Clay is used as an external - in the form of lotions, applications, compresses - and take inside. When ingested, clay exerts a different effect on the body. Clay exerts an absorbent effect, concentrating on its surface a very large amount of foreign substances, both dissolved in the liquid media of the body, and undissolved. Therefore, clay is capable of removing toxins and slags from both hollow organs and the body as a whole, affecting even very far from the digestive system tissues and organs. The clay possesses a huge absorbing capacity. Getting into the intestine, it absorbs toxic substances, products of processing nutrients. Thus, the stomach and intestines are cleared of the contents, which in ordinary conditions slag and poison the body. Clay exerts a cleansing effect on the body. Call! We advise for free!
Depending on which rock is formed from clay and how it is formed, it acquires various colors. The most common are yellow, red, white, blue, green, dark brown and black clays.
All colors except black, brown and red, speak of the deep origin of clay.
For various diseases, clay of a certain color helps.
With the help of white clay, treat diseases of the intestines, obesity, hair loss, strengthen the nails. Red clay is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypotension, varicose veins, nervous and endocrine diseases. Yellow clay is used for strokes, stomach and bowel diseases, migraine headaches, headache, osteochondrosis. Black clay is used to reduce temperature, with various types of heartbeat, inflammation of the skin and internal organs, helps to rejuvenate the body. Blue clay well cures obesity, hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland, relieves muscle weakness and provides mobility of the joints. In cosmetic terms, blue clay is used for oily skin. If you do not have the clay of the right color, then you can use any clay, the main thing is to cook it properly.
Mineral for fertilizers
origin BENTONITE-F is a volcanic tuff mineral that belongs to a rare variety of bentonites. It has a high content of active silicon and wide range of elements.
BENTONITE-F is complex natural mineral of volcanic origin with over 35 trace elements vital for all living organisms.
As an agromineral BENTONIT-F is a highly effective, environmentally friendly multicomponent natural fertilizer and growth stimulator, a powerful sorbent.
BENTONITE-F, as a source of active watersoluble silicon, is the most important element in
organic mineral fertilizers and is more efficient than traditional complex mineral fertilizers.
Quality parameters:
Appearance: homogeneous brown powder without odour
Fraction : 0-3 mm
Packing : big-bags 600 kg
Agro-mineral content:
Macro elements, w% : SiO2 41,0-42,0, K2O 3,12-3,14
Microelements, mg/kg : Fe2O3 120000-140000, MgO 33000-37000, CaO
MnO 900-1600, V 200-400, Cu 150-280, Zn 80-100, Co 40-80, B 20-40.
Ultra-microelements, mg/kg : Se 30, La â?? 25, Sm 20, Ne 14.
Movable (water-soluble silicon), not less than 3500 mg/kg
Acid-soluble silicon, not less than 70 000 mg/kg
Available silicon, not less than 150 000 mg/kg
Humidity: 2-4%
BENTONITE-K is one of the rare varieties of volcanic tuffs of brown colour, and is a complex of minerals, primarily the group of zeolites Na2(AlSi2O6)2H2O (molecular sieve), the clay component - montmorillonite, in which aluminium is almost completely replaced by magnesium and other components. It contains about forty micro and macro elements in a form accessible to living organisms.
BENTONITE-K has showed exceptionally good results as a mineral feed additive for poultry,
pigs, cattle and a food additive for humans.
BENTONITE-K is a highly effective multi-component growth stimulant. It increases the immunity of animals to all types of diseases.
BENTONITE-K is a source of more than 40 macro-, micro- and ultramicroelements of the periodic table in a form accessible to living organisms
BENTONITE-K is a natural sorbent with high adsorption, ionexchange, catalytic and filtration properties, harmonizing many biochemical processes in all living organisms.
BENTONITE-K removes pathogenic viruses and bacteria, heavy metals from the body and restores the deficiency of macro- and microelements.
BOTTLE 3 liter Sunflower refined oil
Volume: 3 L
Net weight: 2760 g
Shelf life: 24 month (8 - 20)
Refined deodorized frosted sunflower oil is made from selected sunflower seeds. The technology of its preparation maximally preserves natural useful substances of vegetable origin. High-quality cleaning completely removes any impurities from the product which are the cause of burning and unpleasant after-taste. Sunflower oil is an indispensable product in the home kitchen, in the food services, and in certain industries. It is impossible to prepare meat, fried potatoes, fish and preservations without sunflower oil. Also, we always use it for marinade sauce, salad dressings, and mayonnaise. Its unique composition helps to increase human immunity, remove cholesterol, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, saturate the body with a whole complex of vitamins A, D, E, and F.
The consumers can buy our products packed into convenient polyethylene containers of various volumes (840ml, 1l, 1.8l, 3l, 5l). High-quality plastic provides the possibility of a safe long-term storage of oil. The label indicates all the necessary information about the composition, nutritional value and shelf life of the product.