Rosa canina L.
Rosa canina L.
Rosa canina, semina
Cichorium intybus, radices
Agropyron repens, radices
Humulus lupulus, strobili
Helianthus annuus
Medicinal Herbs
Hawthorn flowers have an antiarrhythmic and hypotensive effect, improves coronary and cerebral circulation, and reduces heart rate. It lowers the excitability of the central nervous system, reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood and increases the amount of lecithin, and normalizes blood clotting. Hawthorn flowers also contain a lot of useful substances: Ursopic acid Helps heal wounds, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Oleaponic acid Improves the supply of the heart muscle and brain with blood, has a tonic effect. Chlorogenic acid Promotes anti-sclerotic symptoms, improves kidney and liver function, has a choleretic effect. Caffeic acid Helps to secrete bile, and is also a strong antiseptic. Ecologically clean Odessa region in Ukraine allows us to collect wild plants with a high content of nutrients. At your request, we will provide a photo and any information about a particular batch. Fito-Export, medicinal herbs supply partner for your business.
Dried herbs and berries, roots, medicinal herbs. dried loose herbs, absinth wormwood artemisia absinthium, annual everlasting xeranthemum annuum, annual wormwood artemisia annua, apple tree leaves malus mill, asiatic dock herb confertus, herba, asiatic dock root confertus, radix, beggar's button, dried root arctium majus, bindweed convolvulus, black chokeberry aronia melanocarpa, black locust flowers robinia pseudoacacia, black thorn prunus spinosa, common agrimony agrimonia eupatoria, common birch leaf betula pendula, common dandelion, dried leaf taraxacum officinale, common dandelion, dried root taraxacum officinale, common hop cones humulus lupulus, common horsetail equisetum, common knotgrass polygonum aviculare, common milfoil achillea millefolium, common milfoil flowers achillea millefolium, common motherwort leonurus cardiaca, common plantain plantago major, common st.john`s wort hypericum perforatum, common syringa syringa vulgaris, common tansy tanacetum vulgare.
Herb medicinal.
Medicinal plants and medicinal herbs and extracts.
Wild medicinal herbs and plants.
Medical herbs.Production
Organic Nettle Leaves , Medicinal Herbs.
Medicinal herbs, herbal raw material: valeriana officinalis radix, echinacea purpurea, centaurea cyanus.
Medicinal herbs, raw medicinal herbs, powders, tinctures.
Medicinal herbs like chamomilla, helichrysum, hypericum, urtica dioica (leaf), rubus idaeus (leaf), officinalis, leonagres quinquelobath.Cultivation and harvesting, drying, milling, cutting into fractions, packing
Medicinal herbs & plants sweet flag, root robinia pseudoacacia, flower marsh mallow, root marsh mallow, leaf marsh mallow, grass globe artichoke, leaf erianthus milk vetch, grass lesser periwinkle, grass poison hemlock, herb common hawthorn, fruit elder, flower cherry peduncles walnut, leaf elecampane, root solanum melongena, herb yarrow, flower common melilot, grass genista tinctoria, herb onobrÃ?½chis sandy, herb hypericum perforatum, herb wild strawberry, grass iris pseudacorus, root pimpinella saxÃ?Âfraga, root horse chestnut, flower catnip citric, grass great nettle, root great nettle, leaf great nettle, herb yellow pondlily, root small leaved linden, flower small leaved linden, leaf great burdock, root great burdock, seed alfalfa, herb common madder, root echinops sphaerocephalus, seed field mint herb common dandelion, root.
Pumpkin seeds, walnut, medicinal herbs.