Granulated limestone produced by PJSC "Ternopils'ky karyeris an environmentally friendly fertilizer: it is made from lime flour of its own production and water. Granular limestone is used to deoxidize soils, depending on the level of soil acidity. Granules of light gray color in the size of 2-6, 6-10 mm. Reactivity 98% CaCO3: 94% CaO: 53% Calcium is a critically important element of plant nutrition, it improves soil content, makes it crumbly, granular, stimulates the development of beneficial soil microorganisms, especially those bacteria that enrich the soil with nitrogen. Use of granulated limestone: - protects plants from the toxic effects of heavy metals, by deacidifying the soil and increasing the concentration of calcium. - improves the absorption of NPK, the circulation of hydrocarbons and most trace elements. - up to 30% increases the amount and increases the quality of the crop due to the positive impact of soil liming on the development of beneficial micro flora. - increases fertility and improves soil structure, due to increasing concentrations of calcium and magnesium in easily digestible form. When liming the task is to evenly distribute and thoroughly mix the limestone flour with the top 20 cm of soil. That is why granulated limestone from PjSC "Ternopils'ky karyer", which is applied with standard fertilizer spreaders, is an ideal solution for soil liming. The production is located in Ternopil region, the product is made by drying and grinding limestone to a powder state with subsequent granulation. The company's infrastructure allows for shipment and delivery of products: car standards (gondola cars), road transport (awning). You can order granulated limestone and get detailed information at number: 050 434 07 22 PJSC "Ternopils'ky karyer" is one of the leading companies in Ukraine in the limestone market, which is engaged in the development of limestone deposits with its subsequent processing into construction and other materials. The active development of PJSC "Ternopils'ky karyer" has allowed to increase the annual production capacity of more than 2.5 million tons of products per year.
Limestone blocks, limestone powders.
Limestone, travertine.
Limestone, calcium carbonate, chalk.
Crushed stone, granulated limestone, mineral powder, limestone.
Wood, timber for construction, lumber, turning and milling elements to curtain rods, oak, beech, pine, ash, maple, spruce, alder, lime.
Agrotrading products like sunflower oil, rape oil, corn, wheat, building materials like fly ash, lime.