Vessel scrap.
1972 Poland L=122.09 B= 17.0 m H=9.90m water displacement-10005 t DW-5359 weight of emty vessel-4646t brutto 6127brt,netto- 1838 t register No 713007( Ukrainian ship register) IMO No 7212078 Main Engine: Zulcer 5RD68 two stroke, cross-head diesel engine, with gas turbine turbocharger, cylinder bore-680 mm, 135 min-1 5500 horse power 15 knots diesel generator: 1. Gbm 1412b-02/2 psc, 400V, 400kW x 2 2. Gbm 1312b-02/2 psc, 400V, 250kW x 2 3. Gss -103-8MO-2 psc, 400 V, 125 kW x 2 4. Ssd 946/3 -1 psc, 400V, 125 kW Cargo hold: 1. l=7,475 m, B=4.940m, H=4.55m volume-777.9m3 2. L=8.080m, B=8.940 m, H=5.30m volume- 1380,4 m3 2a. L=1.960m, B=3.840 m, H=10.68m volume-312 m3 3. L=8.820m, B=5.940 m, H=3.30m volume- 600.7m3 cargo boom 3 psc
Dry-cargo motorship g/l of 2000 tons. Type of the vessel: a deck twin-screw dry cargo motor ship with hatch covers of cargo holds, poop, tank, add-ons and the Moscow region, located in the aft part of Length: 103,5 m Width: 12,4 m Board height: 4,89 m Overall height: 11,67 m Displacement in the cargo: 2800 t The sediment in the cargo: 2.84 m Displacement without load with ballast 480 t: 1212 t Sludge without load with the ballast of 480 tons of: 1.3 m The speed of the cargo: 20 km/h Seats for the crew: 16 Autonomy: 12 days, Mark DG: diesel 6L275PN The power of the state Duma: 2386 kW Mark CV: diesel 6L110, generator L-KA-11b-6-L4K) Capacity CV: 2x55 kW Capacity of holds: - hold 1: 860 m3 - hold 2: 855 m3 - hold 3: 855 m3 - hold 4: 930 m3