Hphygienic series tanks are accumulator tanks designed to work in systems with heat pumps, gas condensing boilers, solar collectors, and other energy sources. They function as both a buffer tank and a hot water heater. This tank, through layered heat storage, allows for the quick and cost-effective production of hot water. Safe operation. The heat exchanger is made of corrugated stainless steel tubing, ensuring hygienic hot water preparation. Due to the turbulent water flow on the heat exchanger's surface, calcium does not accumulate, and there is no formation of Legionella bacteria in the water. It does not require high-temperature heating to combat bacteria, as in traditional heaters. Efficient heating. The large heat exchanger with an area of up to 9m3, distributed throughout the height of the tank, guarantees high efficiency in heating hot water. The upper part of the heat exchanger ensures instant hot water supply, while the lower part is responsible for preheating the water and cooling the tank itself. The lower temperature in the lower part of the tank is very beneficial when working with heat pumps and condensing boilers. Convenient installation. Space-saving installation of the system by combining different sources into one unit. Removable insulation allows the tank to fit into a smaller door space. In conclusion, the Hphygienic series of tanks offers a range of significant benefits for efficient and hygienic hot water preparation. With a large heat exchanger, these tanks ensure high heating efficiency and instant hot water supply. The design allows for convenient installation, saving space and providing flexibility in placement. What's more, this series offers a variety of models to choose from, competitive pricing, and a host of other features that make it a reliable choice for your hot water needs. And to provide you with added peace of mind, these tanks come with a generous 5-year warranty, ensuring quality and durability for years to come. The price is retail and is subject to discounts based on the order volume.
Packaging options: 20 ml jar (available for a palette of 70 colors) Wholesale from 1 kg (available palette of 1950 colors)
It is a transshipment system together with a dock leveller and a dock shelter in front of the warehouse building. Allows full use of warehouse space. There are two types of designs - direct overloading 90�° and oblique overloading 45�°, 60�°. A portable farm is an analogue of a Dock house, but without walls and a roof. It consists of a base on supports, into which the dock leveller is installed. Safety margin +30%
Tanks for melting and storage of chocolate mass or compound in standard execution have the following sizes: 50 L, 250 L, 500 L, 1000 L, 2000 L, 3000 L, 5000 L. Tanks are completely made of AISI 304 and are with conical bottom, water jacketed and thermally insulated. Standard tanks are equipped with a frame stirrer, independent heating with circulation pump, automatic temperature control and product mass level control by load cells. On the exit of the piping there is a water jacketed filter. The pump, scrappers and vibration sieve can be installed optionally.
Lightweight aggregate blocks "ThermoComfort" - a brand new wall insulation material, which can be used as a load-bearing and enclosing structures. Ceramsite block "ThermoComfort" - a block plane type with Paso-ridge system, which eliminates the need for vertical joints of cement-sand mortar.
Granite Slabs, Tiles, Pavers, Tombstones, Cobblestones..
Oval Galvanized Tub Art 008 Capacity - 120 L Art 009 Capacity - 100 L Art 010 Capacity - 75 L
Round Galvanized Basin Art 006 Capacity 13 L
Oval Galvanized Basin Art 007 Capacity 27 L
Universal paint for facade and interior works. New generation paint with high adhesion, weatherproof and vapor permeable. Provides excellent long-term operation, gives the surface dust repellent and hydrophobic qualities. It is intended for painting in places with aggressive influence of environment, for wearproof coverings indoors with high surface loading.
Latex paint for interior works. Designed for painting walls and ceilings of cement, cement-lime, lime, gypsum, plasterboard, wood-derived materials, creates a smooth, durable coating with a silky-matte structure
Water-dispersion paint for interior works. It is intended for painting of walls and ceilings from cement, cement-lime, limy, plaster, gypsum cardboard, wood-derived materials. Has a high hiding power. Prevents wet wiping. Suitable for painting wallpaper.
Weatherproof acrylic paint for exterior and interior works. It is intended for painting of facades of houses, wearproof and moisture resistant coverings. Has good adhesion and high hiding power. Suitable for painting cement and gypsum bases, silicate and ceramic bricks, concrete, facade insulation systems, fiberboard, particleboard, QSB and OSB, wood and wallpaper indoors. Resistant to atmospheric factors. Vapor permeable.
Weatherproof acrylic facade paint for exterior and interior works. Forms a durable coating. It is intended for painting of facades of houses. It has good adhesion and high hiding power. Means for porcelain of cement and clay bases, silicate and ceramic bricks, concrete, systems of thermal insulation of facades, DVP, a chipboard, QSB and OSB, a tree and wall-paper indoors. Vapor permeable.
Acrylic facade paint for tinting on tinting equipment in saturated bright shades according to the Color Mix system according to the palette of MD COLOR, RAL, NCS, and others. Used only toned! It is intended for painting of facades, and also creation of wearproof coverings indoors. Forms a water-repellent, moisture-resistant, elastic and durable coating. Resistant to wet abrasion. It is used for painting of cement plaster, concrete, a brick, surfaces of systems of thermal insulation of facades, and also gypsum cardboard, DVP, a chipboard, QSB and OSB, plywood, a tree and wall-paper indoors. Compatible with pigments from most European manufacturers. Does not contain solvents. Vapor permeable.
Silicone facade paint with high water resistance and vapor permeability. Provides excellent long-term operation of a facade, has high mechanical stability. It is intended for painting in places with aggressive influence of environment on facades warmed by mineral wool. Has good adhesion and high hiding power. Suitable for painting cement and gypsum bases, silicate and ceramic bricks, concrete, facade insulation systems, fiberboard, particleboard, QSB and OSB, wood.
Silicone facade paint with high weather resistance and vapor permeability. Provides cancellation of long-term operation of a facade, gives to a surface dust-repellent and hydrophobic qualities. It is intended for painting in places with aggressive influence of environment and on facades warmed by mineral wool. Has good adhesion and high hiding power. Suitable for painting cement and gypsum bases, silicate and ceramic bricks, concrete, facade insulation systems, fiberboard, particleboard, QSB and OSB, wood.
Automobile hydraulic lift is designed to lift people with tools and materials to a height of up to 26 meters when performing utility, repair and installation work at industrial, civil and agricultural facilities, as well as for servicing electrical installations. M assembly boom hoist. The lift moves to the work site independently, like an ordinary road vehicle.
Bells weighing from 5kg to 8 tones
Decorative matte paint based on acrylic copolymer for interior use, snow-white, antibacterial, antifungal, has good hiding power, easy to use, resistant to wet wiping.