oultry meal is a precious source of animal protein obtained from category 3 raw materials. The poultry meal is a valuable ingredient of pet foods, feed for fur animals or aquaculture. The poultry meal can be used only in compliance with its legislation. Poultry by - product meal is the ground, rendered, clean parts of the carcass of slaughtered poultry such as necks, heads, feet, undeveloped eggs, gizzards Poultry meal is a palatable and high - quality feed ingredient due its content in essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, and in addition to its use in livestock, it is in high demand from the animal feed industries. Poultry meal is golden to medium brown in color with a fresh poultry odor. Packaging Detail: 40kg pp bags; Big Bag Country of origin: Ukraine Manufacturer Company: Ukrainian Protein Company LLC(Cherkasy Oblast) Ukrainian Protein Company LLC is currently one of the leading producers of Poultry meal in Ukraine. Quality control at every stage of production. Indicators of quality and safety of the products are comprehensive and depend not only on the production processes, but also on the raw materials used Laboratory control. Laboratory control throughout all stages of production is an additional guarantee of food quality and safety. Control of incoming raw materials, quality sanitation and disinfection of the working environment, quality and safety of the finished product all these aspects of quality and safety are controlled by UPC LLC
At LLC "Production-Trading company Ecoline" we are offering over 100 different kinds of dried herbs and berries from Ukraine. All herbs come with certificated analysis, as well phytosanitary certification. Urtica dioica, often called common nettle, stinging nettle (although not all plants of this species sting) or nettle leaf, is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the family Urticaceae. It is native to Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and western North America, and introduced elsewhere. Botanical Name: Urtica dioica Common Names: Common nettle, stinging nettle Medicinal Part: Leaf
Unique carbonated herbal drinks with extracts of medicinal herbs developed together with scientists - physiotherapists and leading technologists of Ukraine. The high content of extracts of medicinal herbs, natural sugar, vitamin C. Natural extracts are made under high pressure at a temperature of 20C that allows keeping all useful substances and vegetable oils. Herbal extracts are sterile; without radionuclides and heavy metals. Mineral water with extracts Beverages are poured into a PET bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters, 1 liter, 2 liters 4 types of drinks: - with echinacea extract and apple juice. - with sea buckthorn extract and orange juice - with sage extract - Baikal drink
At LLC "Production-Trading company Ecoline" we are offering over 100 different kinds of dried herbs and berries from Ukraine. All herbs come with certificated analysis, as well phytosanitary certification. Sweet Flag, also known as calamus and various rushes and sedges, (Acorus calamus) is a plant from the Acoraceae family, in the genus Acorus. It is a tall perennial wetland monocot with scented leaves and more strongly scented rhizomes, which have been used medicinally, for its odor, and as a psychotropic drug. Its Sanskrit name is Vacha. Probably indigenous to India, Acorus calamus is now found across Europe, in southern Russia, northern Asia Minor, southern Siberia, China, Japan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Australia, as well as southern Canada and northern USA, where it may be mistaken for the native Acorus americanus. Botanical Name: Acorus calamus Common Names: Sweet flag, Vach Medicinal Part: Root
Marshmallow has been used for millennia as an edible food and for its soothing properties. Althaea officinalis is in the mucilage-heavy Malvaceae family and is an herbaceous perennial that can be found growing alongside marshes, seas, riverbanks, and other equally damp areas. Our marshmallow root is organically cultivated in the United States. It can be decocted or cold infused as marshmallow root tea. This demulcent makes a wonderful addition to herbal syrups, infusion blends, and body care creations. Known throughout the ancient Egyptian, Arab, Greek, and Roman cultures, this herb has been used continually for at least 2000 years. In traditional folk practices it was given to soothe and moisten mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive, and urinary tracts, and also as an external poultice. This plant has been used in beverages, desserts, candies, cosmetic creams, and was the "root" of the original marshmallow confectionery. Marshmallow root provides natural mucilage that supports, soothes, and moistens mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive, and urinary tracts.* Botanical Name: Althaea officinalis Medicinal Part: Root
Also Possible for Private Labeling and Wholesale. We offer hemp, pumpkin, sesame plant proteins in bulk and ready-made solutions as dietary supplements. Our products are licensed AOECS.
Specification of product: Appearance Granules Smell Typical for sunflower husks. No smell of mold, mustiness, burnt Mass fraction of moisture and light substances, % 7,6 Bulk density, kg/m3 505 Ash content, % 2,93 Heat of combustion, MJ/kg, not less than 0,07 The amount of dust and scree,% 4,5 Length, mm 13,0 Shelf life 10 years Incoterms 2020 FCA, Zaporizhzia, Ukraine Packing 1000 kg, big bag MOQ 22000 kg Shipping Truck or Railway Price for 1000 kg 160 EURO
Atropa Belladonna leaves, roots and extract
Looking for horse hair tails, horse mane hair buyers. Please send your Requiry
Commercial offer The company offers for sale: Organic - mineral fertilizers: "Sapropel" is an organic product that consists of rotted remains of aquatic flora and fauna. Compound: Organic matter = 79%; Fulvic acids = 11%; Amino acids = 2%; Fe, Mg, Ca, S, Mn, B, Mo, Se, Zn = 0.5-0.8%; "Humate Potassium" with microelements and. Designed for pre-sowing seed treatment and planting material, for fertilizing during the growing season of grain, industrial, vegetable), flower and ornamental and fruit and berry crops, grass coverings for lawns and sports courts. 100% natural organic product from environmentally friendly raw materials, with the highest degree purification and homogenization. Differs in a unique composition, wide spectrum of organic molecules, full m set of batteries (NPK) and microelements (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, B, Mo, Co, Ni), the presence of active beneficial microflora and maximum biological activity. Concentrated fertilizers: "Phosphoric - potash concentrate "- Complex organo-mineral fertilizer for based on seaweed with a high content of phosphorus and potassium, a complex of macro, meso and microelements. To improve fruit formation, by foliar feeding ki agricultural crops. Ingredients: high-protein seaweed extract (150g / l); alginic acid (20g / l) ; organic matter (70%); phosphorus (30%); potassium (40%); humic acids (30g / l); oligosaccharide chitosan (50g / l); microelements Mn, Cu, B, Ca, Fe, Zn (10 g / l). Boron microfertilizers: "Boron + molybdenum" - A preparation that provides regular nutrition with boron in critical phases of plant development, in combination with molybdenum increases yield and improves product quality. Composition: Boron (B) = 168g / l; Molybdenum (Mo) = 5g / L; pH = 8-10 Biological plant protection products: "Izokur" contact - systemic fungicide. The drug inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. It is applied for suppression of a wide range of diseases, namely: late blight, gray rot, scab, powdery mildew, anthracnose, cladosporium and other plant diseases; "Cesar" insectoacaricide. Designed to combat such pests like: herbivorous ticks, Colorado potato beetle, turnip and cabbage scoop, leafworm sawflies, caterpillars, moth, tobacco and California thrips, all types of t whether, all kinds of aphids, bug bugs and many others, by spraying. The products are supplied in canisters of the required volume. The cost of the goods depends on the terms of delivery.
Concentrated solution of highly digestible Zinc (Zn) with Nitrogen (N) and Sulfur (S) on the basis of unique, multifunctional biological active complex NANOATIV, contains 15 L-aminoacids, a wide range of phytohormones, polysaccharides and organic acids Recommended for use on the corn area, grains and pulse crops, fruit trees, grape and other crops, at the high level of mineral nutrition and limed soils Promptly and smoothly penetrates to the plant cells Actively participates in metabolism and in many enzymatic processes Activates process of soil nutritions absorption, especially Phosphorus compounds Prevents physiologic diseases caused by zinc deficiency Improves flowering and flowers plant pollination â?? Increases plants heat resistance, xerophytism and cold resistance due to the respiration stabilization with temperature regime changing Compatible with the great bulk of pesticides, but in each case, it's advisable to made a compatibility test before use Increases the pesticides effectiveness through a wide range of biologically active substances It's allowed fertilizer treatment during fog and light dew, as the product contains polysaccharide sticking agent and other components, which act as a transport agent and have a high tensile strength (N) 72 g/lNitrogen, water soluble (S�?3) 48 g/l Sulfur, water soluble (Zn) 102 g/l Zinc, water soluble, based on EDTA-chelate and organic complexes (AA) 37,0 g/l Aminoacids (OA) 111 g/l Organic acid (PH) 0,0058 g/lPhytohormones (PS) 0,051 g/l Polysaccharides Aminoacid composition: Glycine, Lysine, Proline, Alanine, Cystine, Valine, Methionine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Tyrosine, Tryptophan, Histidine, Phenylalanine, Glutamine, Glutamic acid Includes: Polysaccharide sticking agent Physico-chemical properties: color yellow, density 1.33 g/cm3
Highly efficient multi-component concentrate of microelements with a Nitrogen (N), Magnesium (Mg) and Sulfur (S), based on the unique, multifunctional biological active complex NANOATIV, contains 15 L-aminoacids, a wide range of phytohormones, polysaccharides, organic acids, as well as humic and fulvic acids . Ukraine origin. Recommended for use on crops grown under intensive technologies during the active plant growth and development period Due to its powerful phytohormonal and aminoacid composition, it promptly activates metabolic processes in plants Activates plant growth and development Intensifies the process of soil nutritions absorption Increases plants resistance to diseases, pests and adverse weather conditions Providing guaranteed higher yields and quality of product (weight of 1000 grains, protein content, sugars, vitamins and so on) Compatible with the great bulk of pesticides, but it is advisable to test compatibility before treatment. Composition of MICRO: Nitrogen, water soluble Magnesium, water soluble Sulfur, water soluble Boracium, water soluble Copper, water soluble, based on EDTA-chelate and organic complexes Ferrum, water soluble, based on EDTA-chelate and organic complexes Manganese, water soluble, based on EDTA-chelate and organic complexes Molybdenum, water soluble Zinc, water soluble, based on EDTA-chelate and organic complexes Aminoacids Organic acid Humic acids Fulvic acids Phytohormones Polysaccharides Aminoacid composition: Glycine, Lysine, Proline, Alanine, Cystine, Valine, Methionine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Tyrosine, Tryptophan, Histidine, Phenylalanine, Glutamine, Glutamic acid
Only TM BON BOISSON produces in Ukraine an aromatic dessert drink CREAM-SODA. This is the highlight of the range, soda with a taste of creamy ice cream. And what else is needed for a good mood 1.0L = 1 pallet = 750 bottles 2.0L = 1 pallet = 384 bottles
The taste of the holiday, familiar from the childhood, was embodied in an invigorating and refreshing CITRO thanks to the combination of juicy ripe oranges and tonic lemons. A bouquet of citrus flavors is complemented by a light vanilla aroma, and natural orange extract adds brightness to the taste of the drink. 0.5L = 1 pallet = 1296 bottles 1.0L = 1 pallet = 750 bottles 2.0L = 1 pallet = 384 bottles
Alfalfa pellets: Protein around 18%. Moisture max 12%, diameter 8mm LOADING: 25 MT, BIG BAG 600 KG 40 HC CONTAINER
Polypropylene lollipop sticks. This product is made from pure polypropylene. It is used for lollipops production. Sticks are packed in cardboxes. 15300 pieces - one box, 1 080 000 pieces - one pallet. Potential delivery area are worldwide.
Lump meat (frozen) of 1 and 2 grades. 1 grade, vacuum packaging, cardboard box-3.85 dollars / kg 2 grade, vacuum packaging, cardboard box 3.05 dollars / kg We have our own logistics company. We can sell on CPT terms.
Veal (chilled). For veal, the beginning of the season is October, November, the price is $2.95 dollars. AutoRef fits no more than 18.5-19 tons on hooks!
UNIVERSAL PEAT SUBSTRATE Peat substrate that is ready to use, which was produced on base of quality peat moss by adding Macro and micro elements that are necessary for plant growth (N, P2O5, K2O, MgO, B, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo). Peat substrate contains high amount of mineral elements. Balanced acidity and adding mineral elements, makes peat substrate optimal environment for root growth. High capacity and other physical features of substrate are good for moisture and useful substances supply to root, it has a very positive effect on plant growth. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN - UKRAINE
Soy cake Moisture and volatiles 9,2% Fiber 7,2% Protein 42,7% Fat 7% Urease pH 0,1-0,3 Ph