Product Description : Soft Drink Price of product in EUROS /DOLLARS (FCA) - 0.3Lt (Cans) ; 0.5Lt ; 1Lt ; 1.5Lt ;2Lt Price can be disscused Product origin : Ukraine Minimum Order Size and Packaging details : MOS is a truck or container, 1 order can consist of several positions/brands in multiples of pallets
Product Name - Fuzetea (lemon, Peach-rose, Mango-camomile, Berries) Product Description : cold tea Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : 0.5Lt ,1Lt ,1.5Lt Price can be disscused. Product origin : Ukraine Minimum Order Size and Packaging details : MOS is a truck or container, 1 order can consist of several positions/brands in multiples of pallets
Aesculus hippocastanum, folia
Aesculus hippocastanum, fructus
Aesculus hippocastanum, flores
Chamenerium angustifolium, herba
Trifolium pratense, herba
Galega olficinalis, herba
Asarum europaeum, radices