Watermelon round green dark African
Soy beans
Passion fruit Hybrid big
Black kidney beans
Moringa Powder
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Maize bran mainly for poultry farm .
Tamarillo Tree tomato
Extract grade vanilla beans.
Cured Uganda vanilla beans 22-25% moisture and 15cm.
Uganda is Banana Country with over 11 different varieties. The sweet banana are known locally as Ndizi (small sweet) and Bogoya (large yellow). We dry both as a unique sweet snack mixture.
All Natural Dried Mango, with brix of 15-16% making it one of the most sweet dried snacks around. We have a choice of Bire, Tommy, Kent, and Katchi mangoes, so the final product will have natural variations.
Our Dried papaya slices are yellow/orange in color, with an occasional red papaya mixed in. Two growing seasons allow us to offer the shipments twice a year.
When it comes to flavour, Ugandan pineapple is requested from all around the world. Its unique flavour from the central region of Uganda makes it a perfect solution for your dried pineapple offering. We can offered either solar dried or dehydrated.
Jackfruits are only grown in a few countries along the equator. You can eat it sweet as a snack or rehydrate as a meat substitute for vegan dishes.
Green bananas are firmer than the yellow bananas. Their texture has sometimes been described as waxy. Green bananas are higher in starches. As bananas ripen and turn yellow, the starches transform into sugars. Green bananas seem to be a good source of fibers, vitamins C, B6, provtamin A}, minerals bioactive compound such as phenolic compounds and resistant starch, potentially contributing to health benefits
Ginger, zingiber officinale is an erect, herbaceous perennial plant in the family zingiberaceae grown for its edible rhizome (underground stem) which is widely used as a spice. The rhizome is brown with a corky outer layer and pale-yellow scented center. They have a pale, thin skin that requires no peeling, is very tender, and has a milder flavor. It can be grated, chopped for use. Mature ginger root has a tough skin that must be peeled away to get to the fibrous flesh and is usually grated, chopped or ground for use. Ginger is commonly used to treat various types of stomach problems including motion sickness, morning sicknesses, colic, upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS), nausea, nausea caused by cancer treatment, nausea caused by HIV/AIDS treatment, nausea and vomiting after surgery.
The fruits of the Cavendish bananas are eaten raw, used in baking, fruit salads and to complement foods. The outer skin is partially green when bananas are sold in the food markets, and turns yellow when the fruit ripens. As it ripens the starch is converted to sugars turning the fruit sweet. They are slightly sweet and have creamy texture. They have various stages of ripening, from green to yellow to yellow with brown spots.
Pineapple is a tropical fruit with a tough outer shell that looks like a pine cone with edible yellow fruit in side. Pineapples have exceptional juiciness and vibrant tropical flavor that balances the tastes of sweet and tart. The area closer to the base of the fruit has more sugar content and therefore a sweeter taste and more tender texture. Here are the health benefits of pineapples; contains disease fighting antioxidants, its enzymes can ease digestion, may help reduce the risk of cancer, may boost immunity and suppress inflammation, may speed recovery after surgery or strenuous exercise and loaded with nutrients. Our pineapples are classified according to size code A-H with average weight ranging from 2500gms (size A) to 800gms (size H). The minimum weight of a pineapple is 700gms