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Farm Equipment

MOQ: Not Specified
Milking Machines
Milking Systems
Milk Cooling Systems
Milk Transport and Transport Systems
Nutrition Solutions
Animal Comfort
Fertilizer Solutions
Farm Equipment
With a minimum pressure our machine ensures sensitive deviding without warming the dough. Our machine has a ss drum and self lubrication system for smooth working. Different sizes and capacities available.
Designed for any kinds of bread forms from baguets to pan breads for 200 gr up to 1200 gr with a capacity of 2800 per hour max.
Perfect rounding of doughs from 50 gr to 600 gr up to 3000 round doughs per hour.
Fork in stainless designed for optimum kneading quality in all type of doughs. Bowl is made of stainless steel and dough capacity changes according to desired volume easy maintenance, cleaning and use
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This cabinet is necessary for the fermentation process of the dough. The douhg which is divided for making bread should be kept inside this cabinet and required heat and humidity must be supplied in to fermentation cabinet. It is made of pvc covered material which gives an hygenic environment for dough. For observing the fermentation, a window added on the cabinet door. The humid and heat inside the cabinet can be seen and controlled on an electronic control box

Chocolate Enrobing Machine

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Konya, Karatay, Turkey
From 200mm to 1600mm
With single or double chocolate and air curtain
First quality materials
Omron Autoamation system and FESTO pyneumatic
For more inormation please contact us
Hydraulic power unit for lifting automatic or manuel design also stable or portable for more tons on your demand and need.

1 peace on wood package.
TS45X Detector

TS45X is a latest technology product which has two different detecting mechanism; D Detection System and Pulse Detection System. TS45x has an extra differention mechanism which can determine valuable mixed metals or worthless mixed metals. What is more is TS45X is a digital detector combines LCD panel and light indicators for easy of use.
Technical Properties

ò Double Detection Systems : D Detection System & Pulse Detection System
ò Maximum 8 meters depth (depends on metal oxidation time, and metal size)
ò Extra Metal Diffirentiation Modes (Metal, Gold, Silver, Valuable Mixed Metals and Worthless Mixed Metals)
ò Fast working mechanism with a 40Mhz CPU
ò 40cm (16 inches) Head
ò Digital LCD Display & Easy to Understand Light Signs& Sound
ò Automatic Soul Detection System
ò High Sensitivitity to Minerals and Free Spaces in Underground
ò Light Weight Construction (3,5 KG)
ò Headphones Input
ò Battery (8 hours , depending on the detection system)
ò Car Recharge Kit

8 Meters Maximum Depth
Depth of a detector depends on many factors, which directly influences depth values, such as volume of metal, time that passed under the soil, type of soil. TS44 Metal Detector can detect a 1m¦ metal located in a soul at a 8 meters depth.
Double Detection System
D detection system is best system if you are looking for deepness. It can reach 8 meters depth but you need to adjust soul type before you search. Pulse detection system do not need soul adjustment procedure, but it lacks in depth. Every system has its positive and negative points. So TS45X detector combines those two technologies for you.
Determination System For Mixed Metals
If you are an experienced user of metal detectors, you know that most of the metal detectors may say gold to a can. TS45X has a system to determine a mixed metal from a gold, or silver easily. Some mixed metals gives close results to gold, so that there need be a dedicated differentiation mechanism to examine results of metals to determine whether it is gold or not. TS45X determines metals whether they are gold, silver, valuable metal or a worthless metal.
LCD Digital Panel
TS45X is our first detector which has LCD display to show results for ease of use

1 pc Bag of 3.5 kg

Deep Drawing Press

MOQ: Not Specified
50 / 20 ton capacity c type deep drawing press
Table dimensions ààààà.à 500 x 600 mm.
Moving table dimensions à.... 480 x 600 mm.
Strokeàààààààààààà..500 mm. (adjustable)
Work capacity àààààà.à..600 mm.
Main cylinder diameteràà....160 mm./ 250 bar
Height of table from base .à950 mm.
Advance speed ààààààà...150 mm/sec
Pressing speed .ààààààà.32 mm/sec
Return speed àààààààà.180 mm/sec
Working pressure àà.ààà.250 bar (adjustable)
Cushion capacityàààà..àà.20 ton (adjustable)
Cushion cylinder diameterà.110 mm.
Cushion stroke ààààààà.170 mm. (adjustable)
Cushion dimensionsààà.àà390 x 460 mm.
Motor powerààààààààà.11 kw 15 hp 1450 rpm/min.
Pump ààààààààààà..àà.42 l/m.
Hydraulic equipment àààààaron
Electricity equipment à.àààsiemens

Delivery period:stock
Price :12.000 euro
For high efficiency, we use cold drawn seamless precision steel tubes (EN10305-1) made by TENARIS-ITALY
Max. Pressure 190 Bar
Special order is acceptable.
We guarantee the replacement of defective parts at no cost up to 12 month after delivery.
Parameter Type 30
BPW Piston Rod Length [mm] Lp 186
BPW 05.444.16.01.0 Stroke [mm] Ls 75
BPW 05.444.16.10.0 Thread Size M16 x 1,5
- Metal parts coated with zinc phosphate and varnished with electrostatic epoxy polyester powder
- Easily cleanable, two-piece compact laminate lying surface.
- Easy foldable side rails
- IV pole inserts and protective bumpers on the two corners of headboard
- IV pole and drainage hook
- 200 mm diameter castors with a directional lock, central locking system and capable of turning 360
- Wheel that provides to make easy elicrections on the way
- IV pole adjustable with in teleskopik way.
- Push bar manufactured from stainless steel
- Hydraulic controlled height, trendelenburg and reverse trendelenburg adjustments with foot pedals
- Back rest and trendelenburg adjustment cotrolled with gas springs
- Hydraulic system designed with aliminiumm coloums
- ABS plastic covered lower chassis
- Designed ABS plastic to carry Oxygen tube on
-Body fixing belt
- Mattress with 12 cm thickness suitable for lying surface

Ma-03 Emergency Trolley/crash Cart

$800.00 - $950.00
MOQ: Not Specified
- Side panels and top table made of polypropylene
- Durable main frame made of aluminum
-360 turning 4 wheels 2 of which has cross lock to
stabilize the trolley
- Seal system for central locking drawers
-Disposal bin made of ABS material
- Nurse writing table
- Dividable inner drawers
- 5 drawers with following dimensions;
- 2 pcs 445x545x70mm,
-2 pcs 445x545x160mm,
- 1 pc 445x545x250mm
- Self-closing and telescopic sliding rails for drawers
- Height adjustable IV Pole
-Oxygen bottle holder made of polypropylene
-Resuscitation table made of compact material
- 360 turning defibrillator table

Imsa Agriculture Machines

MOQ: Not Specified
IMSA TARIM is one of the leading companies in the sector with its high quality and flawless products, able to respond to customer needs in the fastest and most satisfactory manner, with a deep-rooted history, open to change and development, always renewing its technology, and absolute customer satisfaction.

Pneumatic Sensitive Seeder

MOQ: Not Specified
With 4, 5, 6 or 8 rows
Fertilizer unit is optional

To be agreed
Supplier From Konya, Karatay, Turkey
Sterile • 2000 ml capacity • flexible, non-fragile main body • not overturned body thanks to wide base • drainage indicator label and durable carrying handle • spiral supported 150 cm tube • soft, kink resistance transparent tube • air outlet cover-valve • luer connector available for different type of catheter
Supplier From Konya, Karatay, Turkey
Sterile (sterile or non-sterile can be product) • smooth and slick surface • no sarpness edge • disposable
Bakery & confectionery machines

We are bakery consultant engaged in manufacturing and exporting an exhaustive range of bakery machines and confectionery machines that is sold under the brand name of “ src machine ”. Catering to the variegated requirements of the baking industry, our commercial and professional baking equipment includes baking oven, automatic bread plant, industrial bakery oven, bread baking oven and complete lines for the production of bakery and confectionery products. Our baking equipment, confectionery machines, electric/fuel oil/gas bakery ovens, bread bakery machines, confectionery making machines are offered in several models such as for hard candy, soft candy and configurations and can be custom-designed to meet the specific requirements of our clients. We also undertake used machine to offer maximum convenience to our clients.
Bakery & confectionery machines

We are bakery consultant engaged in manufacturing and exporting an exhaustive range of bakery machines and confectionery machines that is sold under the brand name of “ src machine ”. Catering to the variegated requirements of the baking industry, our commercial and professional baking equipment includes baking oven, automatic bread plant, industrial bakery oven, bread baking oven and complete lines for the production of bakery and confectionery products. Our baking equipment, confectionery machines, electric/fuel oil/gas bakery ovens, bread bakery machines, confectionery making machines are offered in several models such as for hard candy, soft candy and configurations and can be custom-designed to meet the specific requirements of our clients. We also undertake used machine to offer maximum convenience to our clients.

We are offering the following bakery equipment:

Flour sifter, water measuring tank, dough mixers both high speed and spiral, dough hoist, dough divider, rounder, moulder, auto panner, conveyor system, inter-prover, bakery machine, bakery proofer, rotary & swing tray baking oven, depanner, cooling tunnel & bread slicer and other bakery machinery. Cookie making plant, bun plant, toast machines, plantery mixer, pizza baking ovens, dough sheeters etc.

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Online catalogue

Company name: src machine

Address information: src konya: buyuk aslim sanayi , gurhanlar street , no: 5/g karatay, konya

Phone number : +90 332 342 18 30

Fax number : +90 332 342 18 30

Foreign sales department
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