100 % solid printed , printed, polished, in adhering of paper and cartons , and in covering carton and carton box , besides pvc, pet .Ps and in labeling of processed pp and pe bottles in this field available 100% water based productions group without Synthetic solvent. 15/30 kg. Pe bidon.
% 54 + 2 solid, adhering and in lamination of every kind of paper and carton expect uv lak . In lamination of soft pvc to paper and carton .Used in packing of blister pac as termoactive adhesive besides used ear glue and side of carton box. Also used in automatic machine as adhesive labels on pvc bottles . 30/60/125 kg. Pe bidon.
Adhering of all types of wallpaper, Pvc folio, sealed jute and weaving glass, cover of textile wall paper. Glue is ready to use not effected damp and when dried making transperent elastic film. 10/15 kg.Pe bucket.
25% solid, having the particularity without stuffing, safe and elastic film, classified polyvinyl asetat hopolimer emulsion . 30 kgs in pe drums.
Hydraulic pumps.
50 / 20 ton capacity c type deep drawing press Table dimensions ààààà.à 500 x 600 mm. Moving table dimensions à.... 480 x 600 mm. Strokeàààààààààààà..500 mm. (adjustable) Work capacity àààààà.à..600 mm. Main cylinder diameteràà....160 mm./ 250 bar Height of table from base .à950 mm. Advance speed ààààààà...150 mm/sec Pressing speed .ààààààà.32 mm/sec Return speed àààààààà.180 mm/sec Working pressure àà.ààà.250 bar (adjustable) Cushion capacityàààà..àà.20 ton (adjustable) Cushion cylinder diameterà.110 mm. Cushion stroke ààààààà.170 mm. (adjustable) Cushion dimensionsààà.àà390 x 460 mm. Motor powerààààààààà.11 kw 15 hp 1450 rpm/min. Pump ààààààààààà..àà.42 l/m. Hydraulic equipment àààààaron Electricity equipment à.àààsiemens Delivery period:stock Price :12.000 euro
For high efficiency, we use cold drawn seamless precision steel tubes (EN10305-1) made by TENARIS-ITALY Max. Pressure 190 Bar Special order is acceptable. We guarantee the replacement of defective parts at no cost up to 12 month after delivery.
We are a very experienced company about producing all kinds of thread rolling dies. All of the rolling dies are produced with digital dimension systematic machines and +/- 0, 005 with sensitivity by cts.Manufacture check is made by using profile projector and hardness measurement apparatus.Cts has been producing high quality rolling dies and has been well-known with its punctual delivery time since 1992. We are progressing gradually for fastener elements manufacturers.We can produce all the thread profile rolling dies according to our customers' demand. Briefly, we offer our customers good quality, competitive price and fast service. Bulk
We are a very experienced company about producing all kinds of thread rolling dies. All of the rolling dies are produced with digital dimension systematic machines and +/- 0, 005 with sensitivity by cts.Manufacture check is made by using profile projector and hardness measurement apparatus.Cts has been producing high quality rolling dies and has been well-known with its punctual delivery time since 1992. We are progressing gradually for fastener elements manufacturers.We can produce all the thread profile rolling dies according to our customers' demand. Briefly, we offer our customers good quality, competitive price and fast service. Bulk
Acrylic adhesive 2-cartridge adhesives for acrylic, solid surface, artificial marble, composit stone 50 ml, 450 ml 2-componenet cartridge and bulk
Hydraulic hand pump
Hydraulic cylinder
Hydraulic press We are manufacturer and distributor of metal processing machines (hydraulic press, hydraulic brake, pipe bending machine, pipe processing machine, mechanical shearing machine, guillotine shears, cnc machines, and welding machines) shrink machines, and packaging machines in turkey. Our products are very good in quality and have ce and iso certificates. They have mechanical warranty at least for one year. We also give after selling services to fix machines problems and to train about know-how. If you need any kind of machine we can supply qualitative turkey made machines with competitive prices.
Precise machined parts Producing and assembling many critical parts with closed tolerance made of titanium alloys, stainless steel alloys, graphite, inconel, silvar, aluminium alloys, brass, copper, teflon, delrin etc. For the main projects (missiles, night vision, micro-wave systems, optic systems etc.) of aerospace & defense industries. Secondary operations for final process such as surface treatment, heat treatment, marking etc. According to requested mil standards (and/or aisi, din norms). Our customers/references: tai aerospace ind., aselsan (hc, mgeo, mst divisions), roketsan missiles co. -
Takter2000 Very good adhesive for embrodery and textile cut piece printing no smell 12 pcs in kartons
Rivet dies All kind fastener dies
Oven door silicon gasket In all profile models and dimensions
Z Profile Specifications: Capacity: 0.40-1.2 mm Power Supply: 380V/3hP/50Hz Motor Output: 2.2 kw 3hP Height: 1300 mm Width: 900 mm Length: 2000 mm Weight: 325 kg
Length cutting machine Specifications: Working capacity: max. 3 mm Servo motor: servo 2.9 kw Height: 1200 mm Width: 1750 mm Length: 4000 mm Weight: 2600 kg
Hand operated folding machine Specifications: Folding capacity: 1.2 mm Working width: 2100 mm Max. Folding angle: 135 degree Height: 1350 mm Width: 910 mm Length: 2450 mm Weight: 490 kg