We planing&set up Kebab Shops & Kebab chef training Kebab Factories worldwide.Complete Doner Kebab meat lines,machines,equipments are available with high quality.
We provide:
*Kebab franchise system.
*Doner Kebab franchise.
*Set up Kebab Shop
*Kebab chef training .
*Turkish Kebab chiefs .
*Doner Kebab marinade.
*Doner Kebab spices.
*Kebab spices.
*Kebab spices mix.
*Kebab recipe.
*Doner Kebab marinade recipe.
Kebab shop equipment low prices best quality .
*100% Made in TURKEY
*Stainless steel
*CE certificated
*2 years warranty
*Models from to choose 2.3,4 or 5 burners
*Kebab Machines with electricity upper or down motor
*Kebab Machines with gas upper or down motor
*Electrical Kebab Knife
*Other kitchen equipment
Contact us for your every Kebab shop solution to be successful business start.
Company Girosketering since 1949
We are planing&set up Kebab shops and Kebab factories worldwide.
Complete Doner Kebab restaurant equipment ,meat lines,machines with high quality.
The simplest way to enhance the flavors of your dishes.
With the well selected herbs and spices, your dishes have never tasted better!
In our Bouillon Line, we offer Cube and Powder Bouillons in Chicken, Beef, Vegetable, Truffle, Shrimp and Tomato flavors.
Available Sizes:
Powder Bouillons
10 g x 40 pieces x 8 boxes
10 g x 20 pieces x 12 boxes
10 g x 20 pieces x 24 boxes
300 g x 12 cans
500 g x 12 cans
1000 g x 6 cans
Cube Bouillons
10 g x 24 cubes x 24 boxes
10 g x 48 cubes x 24 boxes
10 g x 2 cubes x 24 mini boxes x 24 boxes
10 g x 2 cubes x 30 mini boxes x 8 boxes
10 g x 4 cubes x 12 mini boxes x 12 boxes
10 g x 6 cubes x 12 mini boxes x 12 boxes
Due very pleasant taste, very high nutritive value and competitive prices, we have been supplying figs and raisins to bakery supply houses and bakeries the world over, since 1923. Dried figs have more calcium than even milk. Raisins are the highest iron containing food.
Cubed figs and raisins are the main ingredients of fruit cakes, fruit bread, breakfeast cereal, muesli, fruit bars, chocolate coated fruits.
Fig paste is by far the most used filling of all fruit filled biscuits, fruit bars.
Raisin paste is 30-40% of all main meat sauces.
Raisin paste and fig paste are getting fast in ice cream.
We will be very pleased to revert with full details and look forward to the pleasure of reading from you.
Raisins and Cubed dried figs must be the main fruit ingredients of Breakfast cereal, Granola and Muesli production.
Dried fruits are very rich in nutritive minerals. Raisins are by far the most iron containing food and dried figs have more calcium than even milk. These assets of Raisins and Cubed figs, plus the most pleasant taste of both, make them ideal as Breakfast cereal and Muesli ingredient.
We are packing/exporting dried figs and raisins since 1923 and shall be very pleased to revert with full details and offers.
Yeni kavaklidere sirkesi
500 cc grape, apple, white-colorless, vinegar with rosemary, thyme, tarragon in glass bottle.
Grape, apple, white vinegar are in shrink pack and other group is in cartoon pack.