Stainless Steels: ASTM A 128, ASTM A 297, ASTM A 352 with various grades. General Purpose Stainless Steels–AISI 201,301, 302, 303, 303Se and 304 Austenitic Stainless Steels. 302HQ,304N, 305, 310, 310S, 314. 316, 316L, 316F and 316N. 317 317L, Low Carbon Steel is better than 316L for resistance to pitting application. 317LMN 321, 330, 347 and 348, 384, 405, 409, 429, 430, 430F, 430FSe, 434, 436, 442, and 446.430. 403, 410, 414, 416, 416Se and 420.410 –are General Purpose Stainless Steels. UNS S13800, S15500. S17400 and S17700. Duplex Stainless Steels 329 and 2205. We can make Hard Chromium plating after machining and then grinding –finishing.
Copper ASTM B1, B2, B3, B152, B124, R133 Contains Copper 99.9% -used for Electrical Equipment and Roofing Screen. Gilding Metal ASTM B36 Cu-95% + Zinc 5% Coins and Bullet Jackets. Cartridge Brass ASTM B14, B19, B36, B134, B135 Cu 70% + Zinc 30% -used for Cold Working Radiators, Hardware Electrical, Drawn Cartridge Cases. Phosphor Bronze ASTM B103, B139, and B159 Cu 89.75%+ Sn-10% + P-0.25% -used for high fatigue strength Spring quality and Worm Gears.
6070 (Extrusion) 6081 (Heat-Treatable) 6082 (Heat Treatable) 6101 (Extrusion) 6105 (Heat-Treatable) 6151 (Forgings) 6162 (Heat-Treatable) 6201 (Rod) 6205 (Extrusion) 6262 (Universal) 6351 (Extrusion) 6463 (Extrusion). ?7000 Series are 7005 (Extrusion) 7039 7049 (Universal) 7050 (Universal Aerospace) 7068 (Aerospace Strongest Aluminum Alloy) 7072 (Sheet Foil) 7075-7175 (universal Aerospace Cube set) 7079 7116 (Heat-Treatable) 7129 7178 (Universal) 7475 (universal) ?8000 Series are 8011
Types of Gears: -Parallel Gear sIntersecting Gears Non Intersecting & Non-Parallel Gears External Gearing Internal Gearing Rack & Pinion Gearing Straight Gears Inclined Gears Curved Gears Double Helical Gear ( Herringbone Gear )Worm Gearsetc.
Timing Belt Pulleys
Timing Belt Pulleys
Timing Belt Pulleys
Timing Belt Pulleys
Timing Belt Pulleys
Single V-Groove –Light weight Pulleys
Single V-Groove Light weight Pulleys
Single V-Groove Light weight Pulleys
Single V-Groove Light weight Pulleys
Single V-Groove Light weight Pulleys
Single V-Groove Light weight Pulleys
Single V-Groove Light weight Pulleys
Multi V Grooves Light Weight Pulleys
Multi V Grooves Light Weight Pulleys
Multi V Grooves Light Weight Pulleys
Multi V Grooves Light Weight Pulleys