Analysis Report BY SGS Thailand * Moisture and Quality Results ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Total Moisture : EM 14774-1 : 7.10 % : - % 2. Analysys Moisture : EN 14774-3 : - % : 7.09 % 3. Ash Content : EN 14775 : 1.57 % : 1.57 % 4. Volatile Matter : EN 15148 : 75.02 % : 75.03 % 5. Fixed Carbon : By calculation : 16.31 % : 16.31 % 6. Sulfur : EN 15289 : 0.03 % : 0.03 % 7. Gross Caloricfic Value : EN 14918 : 4,250 Kcal/kg : 4,250 Kcal/kg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Chalorine(ASTM:D2361-02) = 0.02 % (As determined basis)
Thai Herb - Used as raw material for the extraction of essential oils in the treatment. - Contains essential oils, including tea William McCall, Eugene Hill, Phi Beta Sito sterol and Cellini Montreal. -Deodorize the mouth, chewed and spit out 2-3 times a day to help stop bad breath. â?¢ -Deodorant Body Rub the crushed leaves and rub it on a regular basis under the armpit. -Hives used to pound the leaves thoroughly mix the paint a little white wine and left. -Relieve indigestion Use fresh leaves, pounded, mixed with the juice to a glass of drinking water. Reduce pain and maintain cork tightly inflated stomach. - Pain, swelling, use betel leaves big choice to use the grill to hot compresses to swollen, bruised's calculations