We have latest machinery their detailed information is as under: Nisar spinning mills (pvt) ltd. Machinery list: Blow room 1 uni floc v a11 with two assortments at one time (2006) 2 uni clean v b11 2 uni mix v b70 2 vision sheilds (color contamination sorters) jossi 4 uni flex v b60 Carding C-60 12 high speed cards with chute feed (2006) 1 automatic waste removal system in blow room and card from luwa swiss. Drawing 5 draw frames rieter v sbd-40 (2006) 6 draw frames rieter v rsbd-40 (2006) Combing 2 uni lap rieter v e35 (2006) 12 combers rieter v e65 (2006) Speed frame 6 speed frames toyoda fl v 100 (2006) Ring spinning 10 ring spinning frames rieter v g33 with 1, 200 spindles/frames (2006) 10 ring spinning frames rieter v k44 with 1, 200 spindles/frames (2006) 20 magitex over head blowers for ring (2006) Winding 8 x orion m winders with soft winding facility on dyed cones (equipped with disc / twin splicers) (2006) Air conditioning Air conditioning from luwa swiss with complete computerized control (2006) Lab equipment Hvi specterem, ut5, tensojet4, afix pro by uster switzerland. Lea strenght tester, hairness tester, rapping drum, count analyzer, twist tester by zweigle germany. Count range 16, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and above combed yarn (regular and compact) Packing Both carton and pallet packing available
Looms We are looking for used textile looms from all over the world. It must be in good running condition & also must be in low price. Standared
Yarn A grade yarns suitable for weaving and knitting 100 lbs bag
Mettalic yarn Manufacturers of mettalic yarn in m type, st type & mx type in 1/100 & 1/69 in all shades St - 250 gms/cone, mx - 500 gms/cone
We are a chinese manufacturer which produce all kinds of pe filaments.Any one who are interested in this, please do not hesitate to contact us Spool, carton
Stainless steel wire 316l thickness:0.035mm, 0.040mm, 0.050mm Covered with 100% cotton yarn ne. 20s/1, 20s/2, 30s/1, 30s/2, 40s/1, 40s/2, 50s/1, 50s/2, 60s/1, 60s/2, 80s/1, 80s/2, 100s/1, 100s/2
Stainless steel wire 316l thickness:0.035mm, 0.040mm, 0.050mm Covered with 100% cotton yarn ne. 20s/1, 20s/2, 30s/1, 30s/2, 40s/1, 40s/2, 50s/1, 50s/2, 60s/1, 60s/2, 80s/1, 80s/2, 100s/1, 100s/2
Spandex 20D,30D,40D,70D,125D,140D Covered With 100% Viscose Rayon Spun Yarn Ne. 20s/1,20s/2,30s/1,30s/2,40s/1,40s/2,50s/1,50s/2,60s/1,60s/2
Woolen yarn Weight
20d 30d 40d 70d 125d 140d 0.4kg/cone
Tenacity: 5.0cn/dtex 18-22kgs/carton 8.5ts/20'fcl
Bamboo lily yarn Model:jd-8121 Count:1/2.5nm Component:100% bamboo
Willow products Customzied
Our production is as follows; 70 - 600 denier continuous filaments (fdy) 120 - 600 denier continuous filaments twisted yarns 70 - 600 denier continuous filaments false twist textured yarns 70 - 300 denier poy (partially oriented yarns) 70 - 300 denier poy textured yarn 300 v 1200 denier airtextured yarn 2nm v 6 nm polypropylene chenille yarns Technical specification is as follows; 1, 3 - 2 dpf (denier per filaments) production. It means that like a silk Tenacity 2 - 4, 5 gr/denier for textile applications Elongationµs %30 - %80 for fdy, %100 - %200 for poy but we can arrange elongation bacterial according to customer requests. Uv or anti bacterial additive will be added if the customer requests. Intermingled, twisted or false twist textured production. In pp bag/carton box
Spandex Spandex 20d 40d 70d
Filament yarns P-dty 75 den - 300 den set & im N-dty 20 den - 100 den sd & tbr Even packing Un even packing
Polypropylene yarn Production of polypropylene yarn fibrilated, thickness 100-600 tex, twisted. Use yarn in: production fabric for fibc, weaving bags, belts, lines, ground for carpets
Textiles Nothing another time Nothing another time
0.12 mm to 4mm in diameter, transparent and soft yarn used for fishnet manufactuering and as fishing lines. bobbins of 300gms each