Conquering the world with its unique flavour, Ceylon Tea has its origins marked at the tropical island of Sri Lanka where its growth is facilitated with the perfect climatic and soil conditions. The most popular of all Ceylon Teas, Ceylon Black tea also comes with numerous health benefits supported by ingredients such as antioxidants, polyphenols, sodium, proteins and carbohydrates.
Ceylon Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) is famed as the worlds finest. These selectively handpicked buds and leaves are subtly processed preserving the taste, goodness and vital nutrients. The presence of health promoting antioxidants and polyphenols help lower blood pressure, reduce high cholesterol levels, and is good for brain, oral and skin health while boosting a healthy immune system.
Inclusive of nine quality ingredients. 25 tea bags of fresh tea wrapped Individually. From Ceylon, The island of the Indian ocean. Perfect Taste, Perfect Flavour, Perfect Tea, Perfect Leaves, Perfect Herbs.
NET WEIGHT | 37.5g
Health Benefits
Joint health
Joint aches
Joint cartilage degeneration
Chronic backaches
Spinal diseases
Muscles stiffness
Joint stiffness
Weight loss
Boosts immunity
Prevent diabetes
Reduces stress
Promotes oral health
Inclusive of nine quality ingredients:
Ceylon organic green tea
Alpinia galanga
Boerhavia diffiusa
Cassia fitula
Cedrus deodara
Ricinus communis
Tinospora cordifolia
Tribulus Terrestris
Zingiber officinale
Remove Metta Teabag from the sachet and add a teabag to boiling water.
Store at room temperature, in a dry location.
ORGANIC MORINGA TEA The leaves of the Moringa (Moringa oleifera) tree is rich in high levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin K and essential amino acids and minerals. It is known to have seven times more vitamin C than oranges and fifteen times more potassium than bananas along with calcium, protein and iron. Moringa Leaves rich in antioxidants helps to build muscle, boosts the immune system and may help in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels while reducing inflammation.